Good morning!
Tipping the scale.
What does it take to tip the scale?
LOL it literally takes 1% to swing the scale and get it moving. It's like stepping from one side of a line to the other.
In my mindset practice, we use a phrase... "1% better". For me and my peeps that have been growing together for over 10 years, it stems from the "philosophy" of Kaizen. The focus is on continuous improvement. Big or small, as long as it is consistent, you will have forward (or expansive) movement, growth, and change in your life. The other point it focuses on is that those improvements are beneficial.
So...if you make small, simple, consistent, sustainable, and beneficial improvements over time, you WILL get to where it is that you are looking to go or achieve or be.
LOL I could say that when I decided to marry my hubby, it was the decision that tipped the scale from being just interested into being committed to the lifelong journey that was now set before me..before US! And now, for each day that follows, my focus is... 1% better than the day before. 1% deeper and more connected than the day before. LOL because, why not...? I'm in it for the long game, so why not enjoy each percent and each day as it comes.

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