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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, February 13, 2020

WE ARE....designed for connectedness.

 Good morning!

This mornings' ponderings have been inspired by my love of architecture and interior design.
When I was a little girl, there were a few things I decided that I wanted to "Be", and those two are a part of it.
I came across a title at the library yesterday and it sparked in me the next level of consideration for our sustainably designed home that is in the works (with God's blessings).... Biophilic Design.
In one article expressing the difference between biomimicry and biophilic they stated... " Biomimicry is an innovation method to achieve better performance; biophilic design is an evidence-based design method to improve health and wellbeing."
And in my mind pieces of my own puzzle started to fall together. While it is nice to focus on performance or making changes to "enhance" performance, my thought went immediately to...
...if we nurture within and of and for ourselves the points of connection in our lives that build us up....that improve our health and well-being, then increased performance is a "natural" by-product. (pun TOTALLY intended 😉 )
"Biophilia recognizes the health benefits of mankind’s biological connectedness with nature."
WE ARE....designed for connectedness. ❤ Our health and wealth (and love and happiness) depend on it. I'm not about the pursuit of happiness, but I will say this, ...if you can infuse joy into the moments that make up your life, with the wisdom of connecting in, you will be that much more fulfilled in your days.
So as I continue with my reading, remember to connect in with joy in some way throughout this day and the days to follow. When we cut ourselves off from that connection, we are less productive for it. So why not enJoy the gift of a good and nurturing connection ❤

Friday, February 7, 2020

Breaking fast - greens

 Goodness! LOVE the flavour!! #breakfast

(Asparagus, kale, broccoli, crimini mushrooms, and pepperjack Daiya cheeze.
Seasoned with himalayan sea salt, black pepper, garlic powder, nutritional yeast, apple cider vinegar...oh and thyme...and coconut oil)

Thursday, February 6, 2020

YOU are the only one who can venture there.

 Good morning!

There are mountains calling for you to climb and land aching for you to explore. There are views amazing and marvelous to stand with and breathe in and YOU are the only one who can venture there. ❤
That landscape exists just on the other side of the war that you are battling within yourself....and joy and peace are yours for the savouring if you allow yourself to venture there ❤

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

How small, and simple actions on a daily basis are an upgrade to the things I was already doing

 Good morning!

WELL THEN!! It amazes me how much life can happen in the span of a week 🙂
There were a few funerals this past week for us that shifted the conversation in our household and required some mindful attention to the processing of grief and the considering of what it is to live your life. The main thing that stood out was recognizing the value of making connections and growing your family relationships in a way that leaves a positive impact for both you and others. The process of reviewing what kind of life you want to be living, and growing on that vision day in and day out really DOES help move the moment of support of and joy to flow through all areas of your life. It's not a big and flashy process. And because it's smaller, simple, and consistent, it can sometimes get overlooked, especially when we feel drawn to react to bigger things going on and not recognize how our consistent and nurturing habits keep us grounded and growing.
While I personally reflect on my own journey and try to dive into the specifics of what were the details and nuances that brought me forward with growth and success, I am seeing how small, and simple actions on a daily basis were the network through which everything was being built on.
What I mean is, there were key points of information that sparked for me a "YES" and from that spark, I made a decision to apply this information into my life consistently to see what the benefits would be. Not just going for the expected outcome or results of its application, but to see how it could be an upgrade to the things I was already doing.
One of the things I noticed/remembered....I chose at one point to shift how much "live" foods I was eating in relation to dead and processed foods. It actually started with two pieces of information...not wanting to "store" dead/processed foods as "plaque" in my gut and colon for a lifetime, and connecting with the "life force" energy of living foods. In just that simple shift, I was able to break through a plateau without even realizing it. I was actually quite happy with where I was at, and was just happy to be "maintaining", but I soon realized that maintaining for me would never be doing the same things day in and day out. If I could upgrade or tweak anything in order to grow and adapt even better in my life situations, then I would.
Keeping balance for me is an ever-moving target...a little more to the left and then a slight shift to the right to "maintain" what looks like going forward at a steady pace into growth and life. It looks like discipline. I don't know if I would say that is what I am doing, but I do know that I am operating from a "directive" that helps to keep me align with my life's vision to be filled with love and then to overflow that into the lives and world around me.
So I will take those details and reapply them now and see...what benefits they hold for improving the balance in my "walk" in this life of mine ❤

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Master your story to serve you

 Good morning!

What is the "good story" you are missing out on in your life while feeling trapped in a narrative that describes you as stuck, unappreciated, unloved, and downright miserable where you are at?
The story of your strife is loud, often angry, possibly resentful...finding the blame and cause for your pain and suffering. It's the "reason" for this...and that..."you can't be happy until this THING changes in your life."
Well, what if.....that thing just disappeared. What if....that narration of the story that plays on loop day in and day out, went silent? What if you were just standing there, with no problem to have and no one to blame and the change happened for you in this VERY what?
What are you left with?
You are left with the habits of keeping a non serving story playing through your days.
Looking for that thing to blame and rest your resentment fuel to your anger or misery through your gripes and complaints...find that thing that gives you the "reason" to why your day is bad...
In the end, the "narrator" reemerges through what you are in the habit of doing, and will play "Mad libs" with the things in your life and plug in whatever pieces it can to keep the story going because that is what you are in the habit of doing....
THAT'S GREAT!!! 😃 😃 ❤
Because that also means....your story of "strife and struggle" can be changed! You can get a new "NARRATOR" by choosing to live out new and different habits!! (Technically it's you as the narrator, but imagine the voice-over going from a whiny and annoying voice to the voice of a narrator setting out to tell the story of epic adventure...LOL Morgan Freeman comes to mind 😃 😃 ooooo, or James Earl Jones!! )
Imagine the POWER behind great narration!!! WHAT!! ❤
And now, from a new voice, new daily habits, a revised perspective, and a different angle, the story being shared of YOUR LIFE sounds and LOOKS very different. Same people, places, and things can now tell a different story for you....and will lead to that change you desire.
The narrative now tells a story of hope....being surrounded by people ready to celebrate YOU in your accomplishments....people willing to listen to your day to day struggles and ready to support seeing the anticipation of joy and love in the eyes and faces of those around you. People KNOWING they can be inspired by the words and insights you have to share. You waking up and being grateful for a new day surrounded by love and delighted expectations for the good in your life.
A story of epic adventure...I like it. Tossed in with beautiful cozy and loving moments with family and showing up for building up and serving the good of humanity in a beautiful way ❤.....Ooooo, this story is good. Some challenges here and there to keep it interesting and to stretch the main character a bit.....growing stronger and wiser....mmmmm LOVE it !!! 😃
So let us give a moment to.....shifting...
...from the story of our "strife"... to the story of our LIFE ❤

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Considering shadows on groundhog day

 Good morning!

LOL been going to bed earlier and realizing that just around the corner we are going to be "Springing ahead". I love how natural rhythms work when we take a moment to notice them.
And today is "Groundhog day"! Where a rodent pops out of the ground and is influenced by the presence (or lack there of) of a shadow. And I will say this...WHO NEEDS to CARE about making predictions for weather from a rodent?? LOL 😂😂
Let's take a GOOD LOOK at what is really happening. Looking outside of ourselves, to react out of fear, to shadows.
It's a generalized statement, but it brought up for me a GREAT pondering this morning.
There are so many SHADOWS in our society that people have grown accustomed to avoiding and choose to wear a "veil of blindness" to, so that they don't have to see it, or respond to it, or try and think about how it makes them feel "uncomfortable"....
That "veil" is now a culture. It magnetized to it many things that have a similar thread to it, and now, we all get to experience it in some way in our day to day lives today.
But what would happen if we allowed ourselves to consider our OWN response and observation to these "shadows" in our society? If we recognized that we DON'T have to be fearful, grabbed the edge of the veil and started lifting and opening our eyes to observe where these shadows are being "cast" from....
...we don't need to get mad. And actually, those reactions and outrages come, because we have been veiled in some way accountability for our "participation" in this veiling experience needs to happen, but we can just let ourselves, in this moment, see that there was a way in which we have all been influenced to not look at the shadows, and shed some proper light on many issues that have morphed into its own culture today.
So the veil is up, and we get to safely observe....what shadows do you see? (This is not an exercise in blame...just an opportunity to see the "stories" that are playing out around us) Are they a trigger for fear and reaction for you? And if so, would they go away if you shined more light on it?
My thoughts go back to my days of photography....a stark spotlight creates big shadows, but a softly diffused light from above sheds light into most all corners and everything can be seen.
It's 2020 ( open eyes and clearer vision folks!!!) to see it all (the full picture) under the soft, diffused light. Shadows get to be seen and heard and transmuted to allow for the bigger picture to be seen in full. (OOOO!! Reading that one again for myself!! ❤ )
Are you willing to safely, and steadily (without the desire for reaction or expectation) start lifting the veil? And stand with your vision more clear and your eyes and hearts more open... ❤