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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Beyond the divide...human unity

 When we can get to the point of relating to one another as human beings, that's when we get to go beyond the systems created to keep us stuck and separate. #wherestheCommonGround #Lovefirst

Ponderings around Integrity and "I"dentity.

 Good morning!

My primary ponders today are around Integrity and "I"dentity.
As I am thinking about all the ways I have tested my adaptability and feedback with food and nutrition (From foraging and fasting to cycling, keto and 5 meals a day....) as well as with movement and exercises, I have discovered the zones in which I feel better than others. And I didn't just try these things out for 21 days to build a "habit" or to try it's been years of application on a personal level and then in assisting others on their own unique and personal journeys. And what I have found is that words and languaging matter. No shame or harsh blasting about food choices or where they have felt like they fell off the wagon....I turned it around and put in the observation of feedback. What did you learn? Does doing it this way work for you? Yes? Great! Let's use that to take it to the next level then. We are ALL in a constant learning process....and as we reach to another level of really getting to know something, another layer can and usually is added. We are building the bigger picture....we continue to grow in our clarity and we continue to learn through the layers.
This builds in more and more confidence and "higher" resonance, as well as builds in an experienced knowledge base from what we APPLIED into our lives. When we continue to do what we have set out to do and say that we will do, we build in that confidence through our own starts with us first. Personal discipline that feels good and builds us up.
As for Identity....what we are passionate about, we identify with. However, I have found that often others administer to us an "identity" that we would not choose for ourselves to be soley known by. And for me, I think this area is frustrating for others as they try to peg me to one thing or another and I just don't "stay" locked in the box they try putting me into.
So, I am opening up this post for comments about what do YOU think that I AM? 😉 I open up this question in knowing what it is that I have chosen for myself to be passionate about to the core. And I understand that it looks like flow and ambiguity to many....mysterious and ungrounded to others...Clear and concise to even others still. But let's see! It is what you chose to see of me, and what you are willing to see in others as well.
And then let's your identity connected to your passion? Is it based on what you invested more hours into? Is it based on what you went to school for or can get a job in? Was it decided on by others for you? And do you know that identity isn't all there is about you?

Friday, February 22, 2019

FB Good morning post - February 22, 2019

 Good morning! What part of my "morning quiet time" sounds like...

I get the sleep I need just not in "common" hours....
Being in the flow of abundance comes with the responsibility to connect to and help serve the needs of others as yours are so easily being met to serve as a channel for the light in the world....are you willing to pass on the good?
Considering light...light is emitted through action....interaction, chemical reaction, connection, emotion, expression....all give off a form of light (energy). We are meant to move through life, no matter how messy or "imperfect " that may be...
Attachment to outcomes....also is in attachment to beliefs...also is in attachment to expectations... also is in the defeating language you choose to use for your circumstances and's like being the soft fuzzy side of velcro and walking across a room carpeted with the hooks... We CAN believe, expect, and picture for our lives, but those pieces are not for snapshots of "picture-perfection", they are meant to be living, moving, growing, and dynamic. Expect more that you can in any given moment....
Sigh...❤❤❤ I managed to catch all the thought bubbles today!!! This is what starts passing by my mind and "gets" me up in the morning...infinite ponderings and thought bubble clouds that pass overhead as the dawn sets to roll in....all after having had a good amount of sleep and rest.
Hello New Day! Happy to be in you ❤

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Space between stimulus and response

 And you can watch when the choice is made and the spending of agency yourself and others....give yourself space in that "space"

The journey of travelling the terrain

The journey of travelling the terrain

Why is it when we talk about our “journey” in life we think about the journey being along a paved, asphalt road with lines….or a well worn path through a sunny lit forest….

Or when we travel somewhere and plug in the address or destination into the GPS or mapping device, and it maps out the route, that it guides us along marked paths. But I have to wonder, as much as we travel, do we ever really consider the topography of where we are going?

My husband is a trail runner. Mountains are his thing. They always have been calling him. From when we used to snowboard and now when he scales the summits. For me, I love the big sky of the open prairies along with the mountains off in the horizon. But as clear as both of them may seem when you draw them on a page, you definitely miss out on the rise and fall of the elevations and valleys and hills along the way. It’s simple! Mountains go up and prairies are flat, right? And for years my hubby would “scoff” at being able to look off in the distance and nothing would be standing up out of it...until he got on the trails a few years ago and found the dips and twists and winded ways in which he would have to navigate to get through on the other side….all while being in the prairies. And I have often visited both the valleys and dips and “flat” forests as well as the mountain ascents, so for me, I recognized that there was a lot more to experience from both than a generalized stick drawing or a flat road map with no topographical details. I enjoy navigating and I often anticipate that there will be a hill to climb or a valley to go down into to climb out of on the other side.

There has been MUCH beauty that has been revealed as we discovered these gems along the paths we have travelled. As a child, I had a secret garden in the forest that has stuck in my mind ever since...even though it got bulldozed and cleared….for visibility purposes :( alongside a major roadway that invaded the terrain with its intention over 25+ years ago. The flowers and the thickness of the moss from the pine trees, the sun that was able to cut in through the canopy and light up the azaleas in this patch in the forest that was home to a large family of rabbits. We would go and picnic there when we took our dog for a walk. Never did show my mom or dad this space...just me, my sisters, and our dog, Max. I write about this special space in a “flat” prairie not only because it’s gone, but because of its presence in my life still to this day. It lights me up just thinking about this opening of light through a dark forest. We hiked in through a farmers field just behind the houses of our community, and the path passed in through the deciduous trees of birch and aspen….a creek ran alongside the path for a bit and then we would follow the creek off to the left into the forest. We could see the thick pines and the dark dense space ahead, but first we would pass through the trees where there had been a fire….the bark was as charcoal for some and others with new growth but further up toward the canopy. The ground became softer as it got more mossy and less grassy through the trees...we were now among the pines and spruces. Some were toppled over and we would have to climb over and under to get through. It then got a bit closer between the trees and bit darker...we knew we were close….and the way to find it was to look up a bit toward the canopy and look for the light…. Then I had to look down again into the dark and dense trees to sure my footing. As we continued toward the light in the canopy the flowers started….sparsely and then like a “pop”, we were there, in our little magical garden in the forest which looked like no one else had passed through aside from the rabbits who made their home there.

The analogies alone in the “direction” and passage through to this secret space is so metaphorical and still forged in my mind is the “map” to follow to get through to this space I hold dear. It was like a heart space in the midst of all that was around it.

The reason I write this today is because I was looking up a word in Japanese and as I scrolled through the list of words that were similar, I saw a word that was described in English as being “descent, fall, depression and landing”. Almost automatically I went to thinking about the mental health label of “depression”….I thought about the falling of angels…...but then the last word caught me and grounded it all...landing. I was immediately brought to the image of a green terrain with valleys and hills with a flat meadow and plateau...and I was looking out over it all.

We often hear described a plateau as a point in our lives as being “stuck”, and not being able to get to where we want to go more easily. We often hear the association of a “fall” as a loss financially or coming off the “wagon” as we head toward a goal. And depression not as a dip or a valley within the unknown horizon, but as a dark thing that we must run from and change quickly instead of recognize that it is a part of growing and living life, and choosing to journey through it.

I just really feel, that back in the day, when they travelled more by foot, animal, and wagon, and had to consider these things along the way in order to travel to where they were going, that they often didn’t exasperate on whether or not someone was in a mental slump or not seeing the growth they were expecting in their lives and stopped everything in order to clear its pain and anguish. Would they have considered it something that they all experience as a normal thing from time to time? And even though, as shared in the book of Job, when he did experience great loss and calamity, and he was in a low place, his “journey” through his faith took him through some deep considerations, and conversations with and about God that he probably didn’t have before that time, even though he was consistent and wholehearted in his faith before all that “fell” upon him.

How often do we allow the “terrain” of our life to be an aspect of the journey (albeit unknown terrain)? How often do we consider that we will have to descend from heights and walk through depressions, and stand for a moment on landings in the landscape to consider how far we have come and to view out on the potential of what lies ahead?

As our family went for a mountain hike this past summer, I anticipated that much of it would be an was a mountain after all, and we have travelled some of the way before. That there would be much climbing and that did not float my boat as much as it did for my hubby. I was recovering from injury and nothing I had to help manage it seemed to be working… it was very difficult for me, both physically and mentally. I was mad at the fact that I couldn’t just “climb” and hike as I was used to remembering...not just being out of practice, but more out of alignment. When we had gotten to the lake at the top, I rested. The boys continued on with their dad around the lake and I chose to stay put as best I could.

We didn’t anticipate the flesh eating flies that were there LOL, in and around this cold mountain lake in the middle of the summer, but why not? Why not expect things to be beyond what we expected the picture to be….it’s mainly unknown terrain anyway. And as we set out to head back down, I was almost elated. The descent for me was much more welcome than the climb, even though the views and beautiful things along the way, in either direction, were so cool to witness and some to capture in pictures. But how can we really capture the moment for others to experience as we did? The river we crossed going up was much nicer to see on the climb than as we came back across it, but who would know from the picture that the light sparkled more through the water and we got to cool off from the water on the way up. Mainly from the sharing of our journey can we light up those details for others. How we responded to the different levels of terrain through our journey can really help others to navigate in a similar way.

SO as we “go” through our days and months and years traversing our “landscape” in life, maybe, just maybe, we can consider and accept the adventure of the unknown terrains….and even though we may prefer one over the other, all are present and all are for us to go through in some way, in order to get to where it is that we have decided we are getting to. There is a bigger picture to our landscape, and in order for the picture to be complete, all pieces are there for our fuller experience and growth. And as we go through and experience for ourselves, remembering that our journey is a great gift to share with others as well. Don’t you think? ;)

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Know who I am and how to be in my own company.

 Good morning!

This was me almost 2 weeks ago now....I was somewhere I hadn't been before, after having a good sleep, about to embark on a day I had no real clue on how it was going to go, and also experiencing some disappointment as well as feeling really good about the connections I had made with complete strangers along the way. I was missing my hubby and my children, but was happy to be in good company ❤
What I did who I am and how to be in my own company. I can play, I can chat, I can plan, I can work towards my goals, I can decide on how I am going to be around others, I can make the most of filling up my "cups" and making sure my spiritual and physical thirsts are quenched....after many years and many trips taken on my own over those years, I DO know who it is I am "travelling" with in this journey AND I get to celebrate the possibility of discovering more of who I GET to be along the way. In this picture, I liked the way my hair was sitting and wanted to capture it 😃
Whether in a plane or wrapped up in blankets at my home, my days all seem to start with this similar process in my journey. Being in the joy of nurturing and BEING with my"self" on all levels ❤ (Yes, even on the "bad" days )
What is your morning routine? And do you "share" it with yourself in joy and compassion or is it more of a struggle day to day? Do you "get" up each morning or do you open your eyes to more of the same day in and day out? Our perspective is the deciding factor....our "good morning" conversations in our heads is where we start each day. No external influences make that impact as much as our internal dialogue and choices influence us.
So I send much joy out to all today and that you may get to enjoy some of that radiate glow of yours from within today for yourself ❤

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Th fast flow of kindness is contagious. For us and others

 Good morning!

This morning after not having the best of sleep, I realized that there is so much in the way that our society "promotes" selfish ambition. And one of the ways its announced is in the fact that something is someone ELSE'S problem or stuff and not ours.
There is some truth in that....that everyone is responsible for their perspective and experience here in this journey and time that we have in our physical bodies. What's mine is mine, and what's yours is yours....this is MY (fill in the blank) and THAT over there is yours or for you....We try to get kids to share toys and space, but as they get older, they are modelling more of what they see us doing than what they hear. My boys are choosing to witness two different I unpacked my side of the bed piled with laundry, over 2/3rds of it was "not mine"....towels, blankets, others' socks, shirts, and pants....I know which example allowed the pile to be "my responsibility"....and it just keeps happening. The other boy, leaves it in the laundry bag or basket to be done for later. Not that he takes it on as "his" to do, but he knows the value of space and placement. And the best part is, I set both examples.
But is that what we truly want to promote or inspire?...a mine versus yours environment? How often do we put off doing something good or something we said we would do for another because simply, its not satisfying an immediate desire within us. "What am I gonna get out of it??"
I think we are simply NOT in the practice or natural flow of kindness as a society....that flow of kindness is contagious once you get dipped into its will move much faster to your own needs and recognize more clearly the needs of those around you. You will also see how EASILY and EFFORTLESSLY it is to meet needs....without having to receive a "thank you" or will take more personal ownership of that "space" around you where others are and contribute to it, wholeheartedly...and the waters will keep your thirsts quenched and interestingly enough, your own needs will be met more easily, without much effort of your own....
It's time to flow in that kindness my friends. let's feel its water on our skin and enjoy its refreshment ❤

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Know that you "can" in something, so it's possible in "new" things

 Good morning! This morning I was "trying" to imagine myself in a possibility for my career and future. Something I thought would be pretty simple as it "seems" to be basic compared to my other lofty and huge dreams and intentions....but I couldn't see myself in even the most basic aspects of it. My....(scratch that ownership...) ...The doubt I was experiencing confuddled the crap out of the clarity I was hoping to tune into. I found myself behind the veil of a "limit"....coming from WAY back when nothing seemed to work out for me. It was so "bad" even, that people kept their distance and called me "bad luck".

🙁 I rolled out of bed, almost feeling defeated, but also saying...there has got to be SOMETHING I can do to get past this....I started observing the ways in which I AM connected and how people around me may have even BIGGER doubts and MORE of an unwillingness to put themselves out there or try something new. Even though I could see through the veil of the limit, I still am not experiencing the clarity I was hoping to get to....but I DO have clarity in other areas of my life and I will bring that confidence into the actions I apply into my...(doh! scratch that again...I don't want to keep it LOL) ....into fuzzy spaces of my imagination where I don't feel the same level of confidence. Is it a new area for me to be operating But it is where I don't hold the same level of believe in my own abilities or value in the situation...again, past, non-serving language that is chiming in as "proof" instead of going out and experiencing first hand NEW and "positive" proof of my own.
So the next time you feel stuck, know that you can still take steps forward that aren't so sticky.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Hope deferred...How do you handle setbacks?

 Good morning! I have been hearing a phrase over and over in my mind this morning....."...hope deferred..." I set myself into imagining the warm embrace of my son and the happy glow of a dear friend.

When I realized that my 12 hour trip would be extended to almost a full day, I got upset. I saw all my plans and prep for my day blow away as dust in a storm... with no one to talk to, I sat in my despair just thinking about what now is lost...LOL SLEEP! I realized that my hope had been sprinkled with a strong desire, and now, I can only make the best efforts towards getting home sooner and not spend my day becoming familiar to the airport staff...although they are warming up to me 😉
I was attached to the idea of getting rest in my own home and embracing loved ones. And it's that attachment that turned my hopeful intention into an unfulfilled desire.
So as I continue to sit and wait....I am reminded of a bigger picture that intends for a greater good to be served...and I get to be a part of receiving it.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Who is your neighbour?

 Good morning!

🎶🎵Who are the people in your neighbourhood , in your neighbourhood, in your neighbourhood...
How big is your neighbourhood people? Is it the street you reside on? Is it the block your home is on? Is the community you are surrounded by?
I'm currently travelling and have met some amazing people that I have had beautiful, deep conversations with....
But in those conversations and connections I was connected with others on a heart to heart level. I ask questions...I get really curious...and the whole experience is uplifting.
Do you allow yourself to connect with others? I'll admit, sometimes it isn't always can be challenging...but man, is it good when it's good ❤
This experience is available with my neighbours across the street, down the block, in my community, and in the moments of my anyone other than myself is my awesome is that.