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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, July 28, 2017

Gratitude Amplified!

 Good morning! Been pondering some heavy thoughts...navigating a new "character" in our home, and after sharing in the hearts and experiences of others lately, my biggest thing to say this morning is...

Gratitude Amplified!
I have some friends that are "carrying" some deep chosen burden with them right now...and their hearts feel strung on a thread.
I have shared in some amazing conversations and sharing where these people have gone through some of the most challenging....that we would never wish to happen to our children and would never know. Why? Because they are hiding it? No. Because the level of love and gratitude they share and have chosen to continue to share in spite of circumstance...unconditional warriors!!
And these warriors for the most part, will go unnoticed...because there is no need for the announcement. They are making change...they are allowing those who hurt to have permission to move forward with and through their pain as it shifts weight and perspective...they are encouraging this parent to watch and stand more closely to her children with loving and grateful presence so that they know, no matter where their perspective and experience is at, that they are not alone ...or unnoticed...or without matter the situation or circumstance. ❤ Thank you ❤ ❤ ❤

Thursday, July 27, 2017

He left me a photo journal


Good morning! This morning as I was scrolling through my pics to share our adventures and wins yesterday, I found that someone had left me a photo journal and it has me smiling. So many shots of the beginnings of the next phase in their journey. Defining and appreciating who he is, what he sees, and what he loves. I do the same...many times it's just mental snapshots....but the few that I catch bring forward the gifts of the moments that I get to and got to be a part of. Well. now I am participating in witnessing someone else's journey through their "eyes".

It's the little things... ❤

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Just sit, and eat the good cookie! Changing the ingredients (bones) of the story

A story....about joy, sharing your intentions, communication, choosing to be in the moment of connection and hearing/listening to one another, expressing your ability to support others in their joy, and loving...through condition/situation/circumstance.

...I'm being haunted by dang cookies! LMBO!! From a buffet of cookies (non gluten-free) being laid out as snacks, to a cookie monster t-shirt (same night), to not choosing to eat a favourite cookie for the experience of something new and wishing you had the cookie you love (and having eaten "BAD" poutine) and top it ALL off, an unexpressed desire to have a cookie that lead me to "losing" my appetite ...which I haven't experienced in a LONG time.

So naturally, I think today is a PERFECT day to bake cookies!! SERIOUSLY! It's time! To claim FULLY this cookie "monster" and own it by bringing it full circle into a supportive space...REALLY! LOL!

And with that said, yesterday's events didn't allow for the fullest experience of joy into the "cookie" space as what could have been had. It got clouded with uncommunicated intentions and not very thoughtful behaviours that robbed a perfectly good JOY moment of its radiance.

Now the details....hmmmm...they tend to open up a can of worms sometimes or can take away from the overall message if not trained in observing or trying to witness the connections. So I will start with the Connective points...

...these are from my bias observation.... a missed opportunity of connection after an accomplishment...a moment of disappointment....feeling of fatigue....the desire to feel good and experience joy...miss opportunity to share joy...crossed wired of communication...oversight of overstimulus (a.k.a. distracted) ...a desire to connect in the chaos and to be heard...the putting on of shame and anger and blame...the refusal to be blamed for distractions...the silent treatment...loss of appetite....still under the cloak of blame and not being seen or heard...putting up a wall of space (guarding my heart)...disgusted by disconnection...more silence...speeding...getting tired at the wheel...flinching...separation....disconnection....isolation....whatever...triggered anger....reflection...ownership...choice

....the story behind it, just as long. All because of a cookie? No... the story and the cookie are all circumstantial...situations....conditional. It could be glazed over with any story as "frosting" and in truth, it has been.

Same bones (or ingredients) ...But what could help change the reincarnation of these bones over and over ....and over again? By first seeing them there for what they are. Blowing off situation after situation (same "stuff", different pile my folks used to say) just keeps breathing the same breath into these dry bones....only for them to fall flat again and again.

BUT, if we choose to really see them...and take away the extras (the bones that no longer connect, support or serve us) and put it together in an order that can support itself....well, then maybe it can stand ....firm...and jump and dance, and TRULY come alive. And be that full expression of love, and joy...regardless of the "skin" those bones get put into... need to justify....sustainable....energizing....uplifting...Amazing!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

The boys are back!...from camp

 Good morning! Boys came home LATE last night, but unpacked and washed their clothes, organized camp papers/souvenirs, took a bath/shower, brushed their teeth and prayed before heading to bed. They are just getting up and have clean clothes to put away and the day to enjoy

❤ I love these young men and the example they are setting for their parents ❤ 😉

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

You are an agent of agency. The gift of divine choice

Good morning! My "ponders" this morning have been interesting....all centered around choice. We are ALL divinely gifted with "agency". This is the individual capacity to make your OWN choices....However, have you noticed, that in every are "forced" to use it? Even continuing on in reading this post is an expression of both agency and the "structure" of having to choose. Even when you think you aren't choosing, you are. Even when you think you are "tired" of "others" making choices for you, you chose to allow it. Even when you have set up an individual structure based on a belief that you will not let anyone "sway" your choice, you are choosing to show up in the moments of your life with the filter of mistrust and the desire to control your own destiny. Which you have! Because you made the choice!
Years ago (and with other likeminded individuals who share on the same point), I began to explore the value and weight of this gift. I decided (chose) to allow myself to pause and witness for the "space" between an opportune moment and the "action" that followed the choice.
Actually, it began in the grocery stores when my boys were in the stroller and somehow....there was a constant "choice" by many ladies to RUN INTO THE STROLLER with their shopping carts! It was driving me nuts! Challenging my "momma bear" to no end. Several ladies were quite rude and others acted as though they didn't see them. SO I started bringing a friend along to see what was happening. And INDEED, time and time again...BASH!!....scaring my child, causing him to cry, and "engaging" the conversation of "why did you do that?" And myself and my friend noticed as we shopped not just the crash choices, but the process of weighing choice. It became a game to witness the gap :)
I share this (not to say that I set up the scenario, which I didn't. As a new mom, the first thing I wanted was my son to be quiet for moment or enjoy his nap...) to bring light to the fact that not only do we all have choice in every moment, but that there is also a "gap" between the options of choice and the following course of action. And in that, when we are observing the gap between choice and action, we also get the opportunity to recognize how we are using our divine gift of agency as well. We get to chose within the choice of choosing our moment to moment actions....hmmmmm , that was a lot of choice in there LOL. In short, how do I want my process of choice to look like? Do I want to set up a foundation where I can't trust anyone, and then filter from there? Do I want my choices to reflect that I desire to see beauty, love, and light in each moment? Do I want my moments in life to be serving the greater good of all around me and to light the path for others in each step I take? Really, the possibilities are endless! In which EVER direction you CHOOSE, it is yours to live and to becomes your breathing experiences. It's so awesome to just know the level to which you can not only CHOOSE but also to CHANGE in any given moment...and the next moment....and well, that choice in that moment din't go so well, but there is CHOICE waiting to be explored in the the very NEXT moment, and so on and so on.
SO my dear friends, I honour your gift of choice and how you choose to use it. And I, will also be honouring and using MY gift of agency in the way I have chosen for it to be expressed in my life as well....moment by moment.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The song of some birds ...are just "special"

 Good morning! I will tell you that there is a marked difference between the morning chorus of birds in the Spring and the ones in the Summer. Right sounds like the noise pollution of construction tools like jackhammer and augers into concrete on a construction site...during rush hour traffic... (in comparison). Eager to track down the bird right now LOL. AND it only "sings" before the sun rises...haha...I love the warm, active days, and enjoy the heart filling reminder of the other 3 seasons

❤ Oh Summer, you are special. 😊
Oh look! The sun is rising...wait for it....yup! The bird is done or gone...smh. Bahaha.