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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, August 12, 2016

Bloom and bear fruit where you are


No matter where you are planted, you can bloom. can bear fruit. These poor goji plants still waiting for their arbored paradise, but have near died off and come back thriving...gotta love giving a little, consistent love and seeing it payback so fruitfully.


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Gratitude for a quick recovery from exposure. MCS journey

Plans...goals...This last week and a bit we chugged away to be ready for the events of this week. And at around midnight last night I found myself crashed on the sofa and flinching at a migraine. I didn't even smell like myself until I realized that had experienced some exposure...
And I am grateful...for realizing the level of energy that gets me up everyday (it's almost explosive LOL)...being able to recognize my adaptability to get things done...and having a support team to call on for help (man, I love these boys) well as knowing I can affect a change for the future.
But for now..some things will have to remain as is while I shift to things that matter most for today ❤