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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, March 30, 2020

Harvesting the good....

 Harvesting the good....

With every challenge faced, there is always good that can be found. If you're breathing and reading this, that is already proof that good is possible through challenges, adversity, trials and tribulations, and "hard" times. "Harvest the good and forgive all the rest." is what I heard Michael Beckwith share one evening and it has sat with me since...
So what good are you experiencing and choosing right now that you would like to bring forward into the rest of 2020, regardless of what happens?
Here's a list of a few things for me...
Compassion for others as they are managing themselves and their mindset at this interesting time. (was already there, but keeping it flowing...)
Knowing that in fact, there is an abundance of resources RIGHT NOW available as long as I am willing to go to "unpopular" and uncommon places to connect with it.
Being mindful of my neighbours and checking in with them more consistently. (Was there, but had slipped off recently to handle caring for more personal issues)
Moving forward with my goals/intentions with more peace and grace...
Working out more and working myself back into the habit of "wanting" this consistency in my life.
Connecting with groups and taking the opportunity to get in deep with more people that would usually be "too busy" or distracted with their everyday lives.
Seeing myself realized into the "Me" that I want to be (because I have the freedom from expectations to take the space to do so 😉 )...and seeing that I am implementing the daily habits, actions, and behaviours that that "Me" would be doing.
Being mindful of my nutrition and healthy life choices so I feel my best and continue to grow in the way that I would like to be living from.
Spending, mindful, quality, and non-distracted time with each one of my family members. Just focusing in on truly enjoying, celebrating, and appreciating them and US together.
What mindful and enjoyable things have you noticed that you are going to keep? And what things have you noticed you can easily do without that don't need to be "added" back in? And what things are you happy to "forgive" and move on from?

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Feeling the peace of being and staying ready. Consistency rocks!

 Good morning!

Same time, same routine. No matter how I may disturb my own schedule, there is a part of me that says, "No biggie...we got this."
I got enough rest and laughter yesterday...telling bad knock knock jokes to my hubby at the end of the day (LOL he's my tender "gnomey" 😅😅)...
But seriously...I commented on a post and wanted to expand it here....
"Oddly enough...I feel most at peace in being and staying ready...this whole thing reminded me that I was getting comfortable with being complacent...instead of my "comfort" zone of being on the edge of MY growth on a consistent basis."
That's matter WHAT (apparently because I am still up early to commit to my quiet and "me" time), I crave to learn something new every day...I push myself a bit more physically with movement to maintain my strength (and going beyond that right now cuz I have the "freedom " to do so)...and I tweak something in what I am doing each day that serves to my expansion and growth on other levels...and THAT is what feels good for me in my mind and then I get to enjoy the benefits of the fruit in my physical experience.
So I'm about to get workout ready and do this thing...because I can and I will.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Friday, March 27, 2020

Coming together with joy and play

 This global situation and the kid being home from school (one in and one not) reminds me of them much younger and more joyful to work with. Now as teenagers defining their own paths and journeys, it's a bit more challenging coming together with joy and play...but we'll find a way.

Back to school?

 Hope you enjoyed your Spring back to school on Monday...LOL it still says so on my calendar 

😉 Good thing we are set up for as usual.

#quarantine #noschool #homeschool #springbreak #teenagers #becreative

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Returning to Wholeness

 Good morning!

Wholeness is on my mind this morning. It's actually been my journey this past week. Being honest with myself, looking back down my life's path, and gathering up all the fragments that were "broken" off and putting them back with the rest of "me".

On a global scale, it's about FINALLY ripping of the layers of bandages and stacked up bandaid on top of bandaid that were intended to "fix" systems that were created, instead of going back to the wound or problem and seeing if the applied "solution" actually served to heal the "problem" in the first place.
It was no longer about serving beneficially as much as it became about applying another "fix" to something that wasn't a sustainable solution in the first place.
"Oh no! The stickiness of the bandage is fading! Quick! Apply another!"
It's all being ripped bare right now 😉 and we get to honestly look at what needs healing, what has already been fixed, and what didn't need messing with in the first place.
Now, journeying back to our individual experiences....For me, it's been about claiming back my energy by forgiveness of doubt, betrayal, and mockery (as well as allowing myself to become "disempowered"). Releasing the charge back to others, and stepping back into the innocence of the gifts I was giving...back into the creation that was coming through me, and back into the heart that was willing to serve others freely with my God-given talents and skills.

And my next share more fully about MY journey with immunity. From deficiency, suppressed, and compromised, into overactive responses with allergies and well as multiple autoimmunity challenges....and how I navigate being in improved health day in and day out through and with it all.
Much love to you all as we ALL go on this journey of returning to wholeness (We ARE a part of the awe and wonder and nature...) Have a great and health filled day ❤❤

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Keep non-serving language in check

 Good morning!

Language checking this morning....
We use "measures" in our household. They are core value questions that help to keep non-serving language in check and to help us to stay aligned to our vision, goals and decided expression into this world.
I'm noticing that I have been experiencing "anxiety" recently.
Because this is physical "language" that shows up not very often (even in the "worst" of situations), I know that it is letting me know....that something is not aligned, and....there is a need not being met which is causing a "trigger point". Perfect! I have been lacking in sleep because hubby's schedule has changed at's setting a lot of things out of balance for me right now....
And so here are 2 of today's "measures"....
"Is that building you up?"...and...
"Is that loving?"
Then I know I can relax back into the question, allow myself to answer and notice...How can I meet my needs or have my needs met?", "How can I re-align as quickly as possible?"
I am feeling the need for more restful sleep...and until then, I will keep extra hydrated....
Everyday is a check-in....every check-in is an opportunity to get back in line with the life you want to be living. We deal with our own "little worlds" in the space around us first (and make sure we are good...) , and then we can give space to recognize more and more of our "outer worlds", one bit at a time.
What measures would you like to put in place to help keep you grounded on a day to day basis?

Monday, March 16, 2020

See what is already great about where we are at.

 Good morning

What's today going to look like? This weekend, my hubby and I really had a great time of connecting (Thanks hun ❤ ). And honestly, it was nothing new or "special", we just simply did things we enjoy together.
A big thing that I have noticed from our time together so far, is that we love being a PART of the culture around us. Maybe even as deep as saying, we love celebrating IN culture. We connect into community and we find our way and contribution within that. ❤
So what did we do this weekend? We went and bought some groceries from the local West Indian store, and then had lunch at a locally owned and small Indian restaurant. We like Indian food and I LOVE the food of my heritage.
We walked into the grocery store and the first thing I did was go over and smell the bread (sorry y'all, I used to love up on the "Hardo" bread BIG TIME! 😃 ). Hubby was eyeing up the Easter bun... and as we walked through the aisles with our familiarity, I chatted with a few. I was on a HUNT for a specific ingredient. I shared with another customer and then I asked the owner....found what I was looking for and I was patient. Soaking up the busy-ness of the place with one guy holding it down.
Then we went to the restaurant and again, familiarity breeds confidence and WELCOME folks. When you step into a space with the vibe of "welcome" and receive the hospitality that others have worked hard to create, both parties are gifted in that moment.
In a world that has been used to "showing up and taking over" or showing up and "settling in".....or showing up and establishing their "piece of the pie"....I would like to think we can also move in the flow of "showing up with humility and allow for the gift of hospitality.
It's EMPOWERING to the "host" the person that was there "before" the person and the people that would be willing to share what is awesome and great about where they call "home". ... and to share in it.
Let's not keep coming with the attitude of changing things for the "better" before we see what is already great about where we are at.