Good morning!
On a global scale, it's about FINALLY ripping of the layers of bandages and stacked up bandaid on top of bandaid that were intended to "fix" systems that were created, instead of going back to the wound or problem and seeing if the applied "solution" actually served to heal the "problem" in the first place.
It was no longer about serving beneficially as much as it became about applying another "fix" to something that wasn't a sustainable solution in the first place.
"Oh no! The stickiness of the bandage is fading! Quick! Apply another!"
It's all being ripped bare right now
and we get to honestly look at what needs healing, what has already been fixed, and what didn't need messing with in the first place.

Now, journeying back to our individual experiences....For me, it's been about claiming back my energy by forgiveness of doubt, betrayal, and mockery (as well as allowing myself to become "disempowered"). Releasing the charge back to others, and stepping back into the innocence of the gifts I was giving...back into the creation that was coming through me, and back into the heart that was willing to serve others freely with my God-given talents and skills.
And my next share more fully about MY journey with immunity. From deficiency, suppressed, and compromised, into overactive responses with allergies and well as multiple autoimmunity challenges....and how I navigate being in improved health day in and day out through and with it all.
Much love to you all as we ALL go on this journey of returning to wholeness (We ARE a part of the awe and wonder and nature...) Have a great and health filled day 

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