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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, September 30, 2021

BE in the experience of your goals.

 This time "I'm" enjoying my own health more fully.

During my morning routine today, my favourite thing I celebrated was how clearly I can see my veins. (Anyone else like that? 😂) Keeping track of different markers for health and well-being makes it more fun to do simple and consistent with more ease.
Yup. I hit my next best goal mark (and beyond) with 3 months to spare.
Now what?
Realignment. Actually this is when I begin both my next direction/level planning as well as that infamous "New Years" thing 😅. I'm going into a week of looking ahead into the next 3 months, but also what 2022 looks like.
If you have plans and desires you are looking to finish for 2021 (I have a few spots available) or to look into your next best, send me message and I would be glad to help.
Until then, let's keep on going! 2021 isn't done yet😎😎

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Flow and momentum from above. Lessons from our family hike

 Good mawning.

This weekend we went a little bit further for our family "walk". We went for a walk in the mountains and camped out by a river.
The thing that impressed me (and my hubby) was the stillness of the lake after traversing past many km of raging rapids.

Where was all the water coming from? To keep the flow so strong? To keep the lake full and still?

And as we stood admiring the "mirror" of the lake, we could hear waterfalls. More than one. And yet the lake was still.
Flow and momentum from above, and flow into the rapids from the stillness of the lake...

Right now, it may seem that things in your life, my life even, are not "moving" in the way that you want them to be....but maybe...
There IS flow that we may not perceiving in our "lake" mode, that is being kept full and supported by waterfalls of momentum and leading into a flow, impact, or contribution that we may not necessarily get to see... yet 😉.
Enjoy your stillness and trust in the process you are already on the journey of...

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

21 on the 21st. When it all began

 21 on the 21st.

It was a bet and promise with God, and God "won". If you know the story, there was a decision made 21 years ago that changed our lives.
I continue to marvel at how we have grown and the depth of love for your existence has expanded me in ways I never (EVER) imagined LOL ❤
Even in this moment, I am filled with decision, love, forbearance, and an excitement for what wonders are still to come.
Happy "anniversary" to our first unofficial/official date and the beginning of a beautiful journey together ❤

Friday, September 17, 2021

How have you been doing lately?

 Good mawning!

Checking in...
How have you been doing lately?
Personally, it's been both a heart-"opening" time full of rawness and pure appreciation and gratitude.
Months ago I prepared for these moments...others I had thought myself "prepared" for.
And the truth is... it doesn't change having to go through experiencing it all the same.
The preparation helped to pull me "through" to the other side of the experience. It did not keep it from happening.
It's like prophylaxis... it helps you to handle what comes with more resiliency and flow.
All this to say... what you may be going through right now could be building you up to better handle other things that may come.
How will you #harvest from what's in your life now to serve you for the better in the moments to come?
I'm so grateful for how I have been #inspired to pay Love forward into the lives around me. I cherish that I get to celebrate the beauty within humanity...even when sometimes it hurts and makes my heart heavy.
Today I will allow myself to both cry and smile. It's truly a beautiful thing to love fully and completely 💖

Thursday, September 9, 2021

When God has got your back


When you wanted to pick up mushrooms and forgot and God says, 'Don't worry, I got you


We are all like children...on a playground.

 Good Mawning.

Years ago, someone was sharing advice about public speaking and presenting.
'Imagine everyone sitting in their underwear.'
I get it . To help those who feel all exposed at the front of the class to feel more relaxed.
For me though, it was a way to level the playing field. So I took it through a series of examples... that I had x-ray eyes and they looked like the x-ray image of themselves....or they all hat on funny hats... or their clothes were inside out and backwards....
But the one that stuck with me the most...that we are all like children...on a playground.
Now in truth, I don't know why I chose this analogy. Most of my playground experiences in school were horrible. I was picked on, singled out, bullied, ostracized, picked last or not at all to play. I sat in the empty fields and fed the seagulls. But there was a time in my life...earlier on and not with school, that my playground experiences were exploratory, fun, sun-kissed, and adventurous. And those are the times I pulled see others as young, learning, excited and developing children, finding their way through their lives and interactions with others.
Well, one of my "playground friends" (aka neighbour) came to the door yesterday...both excited to be one of the first to welcome my hubby home...and also to inform us that another neighbour had JUST passed on.
And my thoughts immediately rushed to the plums... and his stories about picking blueberries. The funny thing about my playground friends... we share so many stories together.
But it's not the stories, but the joy and excitement in the telling. Like little children sharing their lastest discovery or the adventure of what they just played or saw....
We are.... all like children.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

It's the results I am after...

 Good mawning!

It's the results I was after...
How about you? What results are you wanting?
I saw the fit bodies, I saw how well they looked in the workout clothes...the tighter skin, the muscle tone...
And to be honest, that tighter skin, especially after carrying both a child and 100 lbs more, was looking really good to me.
And it may seem vain , but when you lose the weight and your skin loiks like an empty grocery bag, where do you put it all?
So I started experimenting. And researching some more and putting the theories to the test...and they worked! BOOM! I had the "formula".
But what's funny about "getting" the the space after.
Now what?
That's why the result is great, but there is always more to the picture.
And that's why... after 15 years on and off due to various reasons and health challenges, I'm able to pick back up and go at it again. To apply the "formula" and get back in the game.
So...we walked yesterday...and further this time...and faster too.
Simple and consistent works. Every time. 1% (or more 😉) improvement each day WILL move you towards your goal. And seeing a bigger plan and vision that accompanies and encompasses your goals make them seem less impossible and more achievable.
Yes, there are other factors in the "formula" I am applying, but if you aren't working them, they don't "get" the chance to work FOR you.
Find the way...keep it simple...and do it again and again, adapting along the way.
If you would like help or to chat, send me a message. I'm happy to help💖