This time "I'm" enjoying my own health more fully.
During my morning routine today, my favourite thing I celebrated was how clearly I can see my veins. (Anyone else like that?
) Keeping track of different markers for health and well-being makes it more fun to do simple and consistent with more ease.

Yup. I hit my next best goal mark (and beyond) with 3 months to spare.
Now what?
Realignment. Actually this is when I begin both my next direction/level planning as well as that infamous "New Years" thing
. I'm going into a week of looking ahead into the next 3 months, but also what 2022 looks like.

If you have plans and desires you are looking to finish for 2021 (I have a few spots available) or to look into your next best, send me message and I would be glad to help.
Until then, let's keep on going! 2021 isn't done yet

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