Good Mawning.

Years ago, someone was sharing advice about public speaking and presenting.
'Imagine everyone sitting in their underwear.'
I get it . To help those who feel all exposed at the front of the class to feel more relaxed.
For me though, it was a way to level the playing field. So I took it through a series of examples... that I had x-ray eyes and they looked like the x-ray image of themselves....or they all hat on funny hats... or their clothes were inside out and backwards....
But the one that stuck with me the most...that we are all like children...on a playground.
Now in truth, I don't know why I chose this analogy. Most of my playground experiences in school were horrible. I was picked on, singled out, bullied, ostracized, picked last or not at all to play. I sat in the empty fields and fed the seagulls. But there was a time in my life...earlier on and not with school, that my playground experiences were exploratory, fun, sun-kissed, and adventurous. And those are the times I pulled see others as young, learning, excited and developing children, finding their way through their lives and interactions with others.
Well, one of my "playground friends" (aka neighbour) came to the door yesterday...both excited to be one of the first to welcome my hubby home...and also to inform us that another neighbour had JUST passed on.
And my thoughts immediately rushed to the plums... and his stories about picking blueberries. The funny thing about my playground friends... we share so many stories together.
But it's not the stories, but the joy and excitement in the telling. Like little children sharing their lastest discovery or the adventure of what they just played or saw....
We are.... all like children.
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