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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi


Health is YOUR personal and optimal functioning space with your body, mind, and soul.

For me, I have a foundational verse that I use to help "re-align" me when I feel I have gone on in my focus of experiencing the good that wellness has to offer. 

It reminds me to "throw off everything that hinders". If whatever I am doing is getting in the way of me have more optimal health and a deeper spiritual connection, then it needs to be looked at and my actions more aligned with achieving that connection and experience I desire.

This verse began an amazing journey of discovery and exploration for me that I applied into EVERY area of my life.

How was my fitness? not Good? WHY? What was I letting and allowing to get in the way and cut me off from the better I could be having?

How was my marriage going? Stagnant and awkward? WHY? What was I allowing to be present that was getting in the way and having me feel "stuck" in stagnation? What was I letting stand in the way of connecting in at a deeper level?

How was my spiritual journey? Was I filled with inspiration, elation, and feeling built up in my journey? No? WHY? What have I set my attention on instead of enjoying more fully my loving and awesome relationship with God?

How is my parenting going? Was I at conflict with the boys? Were they avoiding me? WHY? What did I allow to get in the way of being able to connect in and love up on my beautiful boys?

And in regards more to physical health, when I experience pain, inflammation, lacking in energy, then I know that I may have not been mindful in those areas or there is something going on in my environment, and I can look and explore to find a solution. Maybe to where I may have not been consistent or where I can find a new way to go even deeper and do something that will bring forward a better result. And, most of the time, it is being honest....with how I was eating, or what toxins I have been exposing myself to more than I need to.

So what things "get in the way"? And....What things can we nurture for our growth, health, and expansion?  We don't want to create a vacuum effect, we just want to get back to a healthy foundation from which to build are lives from.

Toxins and nourishment

Mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, in the way that you are thinking (or allowing "thoughts" in)  that leads you into a negative and disconnecting spiral that doesn't serve you in a good way.

Physically, through our environment, with exposure to chemicals and radiation, and even in the way that we eat. Some foods and eating habits don't align with our unique physical design and those tend to show up with signs like inflammation, allergies, and eventually pain and disease.

Add in... thoughts that inspire and celebrate you. Being in a space where you know, that from the inside out, you are seen, accepted, appreciated and love as you are in your life and journey. Nourish yourself with foods that your body loves to have in order to function optimally, knowing, that that does change throughout the different seasons of the year and our lives and we are more that capable to adapt accordingly.


Some things that we were taught growing up, haven't been serving us in the best way. Again, it can link back into toxic practices and exposures, but for the most part, they are often practices that were seen as good by someone else to pass down, and have become tradition more that it has been about truly experiencing our best health and connection.

We can shift from the things we have been in the habit of doing (or thinking or eating) to a way that leaves us feeling less burdened or hindered and more free and able. It can open us up to more creativity if we allow ourselves to be growing and changing in the way we do things. Instead of keeping habits that are stagnant, we can be in the habit of acquiring habits that are dynamic and evolving and serving to our best health and experience.

Environment and Influences

Both are our "environment". What we surround ourselves with affects what we choose to respond with and be nurtured by. You can't be in poor soil and expect to grow well. You CAN choose to be surrounded with influences and environments that inspire or encourage you to grow and expand the fullest expression of your best self. 

And your internal environment can be nurtured to support you more and more as well. Adding in, in increasing measure, the things that help you grow while also being mindful of when what you have in your life you have outgrown and no longer serves you.

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