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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, March 16, 2020

See what is already great about where we are at.

 Good morning

What's today going to look like? This weekend, my hubby and I really had a great time of connecting (Thanks hun ❤ ). And honestly, it was nothing new or "special", we just simply did things we enjoy together.
A big thing that I have noticed from our time together so far, is that we love being a PART of the culture around us. Maybe even as deep as saying, we love celebrating IN culture. We connect into community and we find our way and contribution within that. ❤
So what did we do this weekend? We went and bought some groceries from the local West Indian store, and then had lunch at a locally owned and small Indian restaurant. We like Indian food and I LOVE the food of my heritage.
We walked into the grocery store and the first thing I did was go over and smell the bread (sorry y'all, I used to love up on the "Hardo" bread BIG TIME! 😃 ). Hubby was eyeing up the Easter bun... and as we walked through the aisles with our familiarity, I chatted with a few. I was on a HUNT for a specific ingredient. I shared with another customer and then I asked the owner....found what I was looking for and I was patient. Soaking up the busy-ness of the place with one guy holding it down.
Then we went to the restaurant and again, familiarity breeds confidence and WELCOME folks. When you step into a space with the vibe of "welcome" and receive the hospitality that others have worked hard to create, both parties are gifted in that moment.
In a world that has been used to "showing up and taking over" or showing up and "settling in".....or showing up and establishing their "piece of the pie"....I would like to think we can also move in the flow of "showing up with humility and allow for the gift of hospitality.
It's EMPOWERING to the "host" the person that was there "before" the person and the people that would be willing to share what is awesome and great about where they call "home". ... and to share in it.
Let's not keep coming with the attitude of changing things for the "better" before we see what is already great about where we are at.

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