Disclaimer: Clickbait
This posted is inspired by all my "scoffers" out there. It's also inspired by all the people that have nothing to say about their extra "paper" purchases...and in the end, it will have very little to do with the fact that have a roll or not.
There has been several times over the last 6 months where the shelves in stores have been bare. I know you didn't notice. I did! Why? because I was running low on TP. And every time I saw it, it reminded me to buy some....and, I never did..."Bah! We still have 'some'." No, no we didn't....I mean yes, we had the two partially used rolls from our camping stash....we had the couple of rolls under the ensuite sink....we had about 12 rolls left in our Costco pack, and then the 2 mounted rolls in our washrooms...and then this "unicorn" roll that is on full display in our linen closet, but for some odd reason we never use it. OH! and we also have a roll at the back of our car...still from the summer road trip. When I FINALLY did get another package (notice, the "unicorn" is still intact
) is when I knew the rest of the packs were gone and I was spooling off of the last visible roll. That day (which was before the "rush", but not by much
), I went out and got some before anything else.

Fast forward to the conversation with my mom yesterday. I joked if she was stocked up, and she said "Yes", to which she replied "And you?" (which really meant...'Now WHY would you ask a silly question like that, when you KNOW I am always stocked up, and you BETTER have extra, because that was how you were raised...') Which made me think of all of those that actually are struggling to find now what is seemingly gone or in short supply....
Even when I felt like I had "none", I actually did have "some". But I was below my "setpoint" with what I had.
Are you maintaining your setpoints? Have you established a foundation of setpoints? What is the threshold you are living by? Are you making the most of where you are at now to "support" where you will be or want to be in the future?
I know many that have that one POINT in some areas of their lives, but in other areas it is in 'lack'. We all do...how can we bring balance to more areas of our lives and make sure we aren't just reacting and surviving, but that we are allowing ourselves choice and responding from a thriving and "whole"-istic mindset?
Establish setpoints. It's like milestones with children and growth and development. We are always looking for it....can they walk? Can they talk? Can they read? Can they write (right
) ? We establish these as milestones and then we build on it.

I wasn't even thinking of the using the "unicorn", I just knew that I have gone to a place where I didn't think I would end up....just from the mere aspect of not giving it the attention when the attention was calling for it.
There are many that will only get the 4 pack of toilet paper and consider that enough....I know how our household uses it so that I already had, AND I also know that we often host events from our home, so we keep "others" in our consideration of our consumption. We have enough for us and just enough to feed and care for those we invite into our space on a month to month basis. It may not be elaborate, but it is our setpoint for our household.
What is your "Enough" setpoint? Is it barely "enough"? Is it just "enough"? Or is it more than "enough"?
It's the difference between struggling and scrounging, barely surviving, surviving, doing well, comfortable, and thriving. Choose YOUR setpoint for across the board in your life and begin to build on it. I know I am

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