Good morning!
My primary ponders today are around Integrity and "I"dentity.
As I am thinking about all the ways I have tested my adaptability and feedback with food and nutrition (From foraging and fasting to cycling, keto and 5 meals a day....) as well as with movement and exercises, I have discovered the zones in which I feel better than others. And I didn't just try these things out for 21 days to build a "habit" or to try it's been years of application on a personal level and then in assisting others on their own unique and personal journeys. And what I have found is that words and languaging matter. No shame or harsh blasting about food choices or where they have felt like they fell off the wagon....I turned it around and put in the observation of feedback. What did you learn? Does doing it this way work for you? Yes? Great! Let's use that to take it to the next level then. We are ALL in a constant learning process....and as we reach to another level of really getting to know something, another layer can and usually is added. We are building the bigger picture....we continue to grow in our clarity and we continue to learn through the layers.
This builds in more and more confidence and "higher" resonance, as well as builds in an experienced knowledge base from what we APPLIED into our lives. When we continue to do what we have set out to do and say that we will do, we build in that confidence through our own starts with us first. Personal discipline that feels good and builds us up.
As for Identity....what we are passionate about, we identify with. However, I have found that often others administer to us an "identity" that we would not choose for ourselves to be soley known by. And for me, I think this area is frustrating for others as they try to peg me to one thing or another and I just don't "stay" locked in the box they try putting me into.
So, I am opening up this post for comments about what do YOU think that I AM?
I open up this question in knowing what it is that I have chosen for myself to be passionate about to the core. And I understand that it looks like flow and ambiguity to many....mysterious and ungrounded to others...Clear and concise to even others still. But let's see! It is what you chose to see of me, and what you are willing to see in others as well.

And then let's your identity connected to your passion? Is it based on what you invested more hours into? Is it based on what you went to school for or can get a job in? Was it decided on by others for you? And do you know that identity isn't all there is about you?
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