Good morning!
LOL been going to bed earlier and realizing that just around the corner we are going to be "Springing ahead". I love how natural rhythms work when we take a moment to notice them.
And today is "Groundhog day"! Where a rodent pops out of the ground and is influenced by the presence (or lack there of) of a shadow. And I will say this...WHO NEEDS to CARE about making predictions for weather from a rodent?? LOL 

Let's take a GOOD LOOK at what is really happening. Looking outside of ourselves, to react out of fear, to shadows.
It's a generalized statement, but it brought up for me a GREAT pondering this morning.
There are so many SHADOWS in our society that people have grown accustomed to avoiding and choose to wear a "veil of blindness" to, so that they don't have to see it, or respond to it, or try and think about how it makes them feel "uncomfortable"....
That "veil" is now a culture. It magnetized to it many things that have a similar thread to it, and now, we all get to experience it in some way in our day to day lives today.
But what would happen if we allowed ourselves to consider our OWN response and observation to these "shadows" in our society? If we recognized that we DON'T have to be fearful, grabbed the edge of the veil and started lifting and opening our eyes to observe where these shadows are being "cast" from....
...we don't need to get mad. And actually, those reactions and outrages come, because we have been veiled in some way accountability for our "participation" in this veiling experience needs to happen, but we can just let ourselves, in this moment, see that there was a way in which we have all been influenced to not look at the shadows, and shed some proper light on many issues that have morphed into its own culture today.
So the veil is up, and we get to safely observe....what shadows do you see? (This is not an exercise in blame...just an opportunity to see the "stories" that are playing out around us) Are they a trigger for fear and reaction for you? And if so, would they go away if you shined more light on it?
My thoughts go back to my days of photography....a stark spotlight creates big shadows, but a softly diffused light from above sheds light into most all corners and everything can be seen.
It's 2020 ( open eyes and clearer vision folks!!!) to see it all (the full picture) under the soft, diffused light. Shadows get to be seen and heard and transmuted to allow for the bigger picture to be seen in full. (OOOO!! Reading that one again for myself!!

Are you willing to safely, and steadily (without the desire for reaction or expectation) start lifting the veil? And stand with your vision more clear and your eyes and hearts more open...

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