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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Master your story to serve you

 Good morning!

What is the "good story" you are missing out on in your life while feeling trapped in a narrative that describes you as stuck, unappreciated, unloved, and downright miserable where you are at?
The story of your strife is loud, often angry, possibly resentful...finding the blame and cause for your pain and suffering. It's the "reason" for this...and that..."you can't be happy until this THING changes in your life."
Well, what if.....that thing just disappeared. What if....that narration of the story that plays on loop day in and day out, went silent? What if you were just standing there, with no problem to have and no one to blame and the change happened for you in this VERY what?
What are you left with?
You are left with the habits of keeping a non serving story playing through your days.
Looking for that thing to blame and rest your resentment fuel to your anger or misery through your gripes and complaints...find that thing that gives you the "reason" to why your day is bad...
In the end, the "narrator" reemerges through what you are in the habit of doing, and will play "Mad libs" with the things in your life and plug in whatever pieces it can to keep the story going because that is what you are in the habit of doing....
THAT'S GREAT!!! 😃 😃 ❤
Because that also means....your story of "strife and struggle" can be changed! You can get a new "NARRATOR" by choosing to live out new and different habits!! (Technically it's you as the narrator, but imagine the voice-over going from a whiny and annoying voice to the voice of a narrator setting out to tell the story of epic adventure...LOL Morgan Freeman comes to mind 😃 😃 ooooo, or James Earl Jones!! )
Imagine the POWER behind great narration!!! WHAT!! ❤
And now, from a new voice, new daily habits, a revised perspective, and a different angle, the story being shared of YOUR LIFE sounds and LOOKS very different. Same people, places, and things can now tell a different story for you....and will lead to that change you desire.
The narrative now tells a story of hope....being surrounded by people ready to celebrate YOU in your accomplishments....people willing to listen to your day to day struggles and ready to support seeing the anticipation of joy and love in the eyes and faces of those around you. People KNOWING they can be inspired by the words and insights you have to share. You waking up and being grateful for a new day surrounded by love and delighted expectations for the good in your life.
A story of epic adventure...I like it. Tossed in with beautiful cozy and loving moments with family and showing up for building up and serving the good of humanity in a beautiful way ❤.....Ooooo, this story is good. Some challenges here and there to keep it interesting and to stretch the main character a bit.....growing stronger and wiser....mmmmm LOVE it !!! 😃
So let us give a moment to.....shifting...
...from the story of our "strife"... to the story of our LIFE ❤

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