Good morning!
This morning I want to reflect on the inspiring journey of a friendship. I remember at one community potluck this beautiful and bright being bouncing in and introducing herself. Apparently she had already heard of me because of the way in which our family eats and I had only heard of her recently in passing from other neighbours, in particular my dear friend and neighbour and one of her relatives across the street.
She sat with us at the same table and she was just amazing to talk to. Driven to share her journey while the sharing was good. We discussed how to apply her talents and who she could talk to as well as the food we were eating and how one day we would share a meal together.
I want to share gladly that we DID indeed share that meal together and a shared curiosity of how one another truly ticks.

We still have that deep intrigue for one another and a growing friendship as well as a head nod of one more day shared in the lives of one another.
Recently, she shared about an adventure, and yet again I am reminded and inspired.
"Receive while the receiving is good!! And enjoy it fully!!" While we are here, it is our JOB to enjoy the fullness of experience...great or not so great....while we can.
LOL....I would say more onto that, but what more is needed??
Are you mulling over something in your mind that is so simple to do or to enjoy, but there is an underlying "attitude" or language that is arguing not to? Interrupt that chatter (or put it on hold) while you GO AND DO the thing, and then get back to the "conversation" if you feel you need to.
Is there a reason you are using or used to keep you from doing something you know would make the most of a situation and you submitted to that decision instead of just jumping at the opportunity while it was RIGHT THERE!!?? (honestly, I will get over missing buying that quinoa on sale....bigger vision, bigger vision LOL, that moment has been SUCH a great "teacher"...

Get together with that neighbour that you said you would (2 years ago...thanks Lana) and connect properly! LOL buy the quinoa (and be a little bit late)!!
Receive the gifts of joy and life people want to share with us and then GO and enjoy it fully on their grateful behalf!!

BE that OPEN recipient for JOY and LIVING while the living is GOOD peeps!!!

Let's STOP withholding ourselves from joy like a badge of honour....because honestly, it's wasted energy, imagination, time...whatever you want to call it. SHOW UP and receive this life of yours (and ours) my peeps

I LOVE celebrating the good living those around me choose to dive into
It builds ME up seeing it!

Now time to make the most of an opportunity for myself this morning 

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