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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, January 13, 2020

In the end, it comes down to my health

 Good morning!

Commitment and Opting out....I really had to give this a thought this morning...I'm half way into January and our post-holiday reset and why is it NOW that I feel a surge of energy and extra ease to make this a part of my journey for the year.
Most people feel the pull and focus back to what was and what they feel they are missing out on (is this you right now?), and are experiencing cravings, and doubts, and non serving language pull and tug at them.
What's the difference? Well, when I wanted to start this journey originally, back in October, I had my doubts. But out the gate it felt super effortless and awesome. I was amazed! And then things at home started going sideways, to say the least, and I couldn't find my balance. The consistency and the ease dropped off and it became a struggle to get back on I didn't. Not because I didn't want to, but my focus and drive felt like it went down the tank.
So what is the difference now? I dug deep into my mindset from then to now. I wanted to be more resilient to challenges and upsets so that I could stay aligned with my goals. And I knew that I had been consistent in the past, and was on track with it recently, so WHY NOT going forward!!??
What things stood out that I found in my deep dive?
To have compassion for those around me. Not everyone is going to get what I am doing or even believe me in what I say about why I make the choices I do....and that's okay...keep going.
Be present for the process and more detached from the outcome. LOL after many, many years of my body going in all types of directions, I can honestly say, the thing that feels the best is knowing you are consistent with your healthy lifestyle. Loosing all the weight you wanted to is not enough. Placing in a transformation contest is not enough. Fitting into anything you want and looking great in not enough. Being toned and lean is not enough. But knowing that you helped your body to get there by doing the good THAT feels good....over and over again. It's the biggest in goals and in know that the journey was good and resulted in the good being a PART of your life and living day to day.
As for opting happened for me only when I realized that I hadn't fully opted "IN" in the first place. Often, the energy we put into "trying" something or doing something is full of "doubt", fear, and already deciding it will be done at some point in the near future. OR that the means will meet the "end" soon enough and the pain and suffering will cease. It's not sustainable thinking and you miss out on the gems and goodies along the way.
Decide, that what you are going after and through is worth it. ❤ That it can serve a good purpose, and that you can harvest good fruit from the journey along the way. Opt in to being a part of YOUR life's journey. Own into the experience of it. You might find that it comes more easily going forward in it than you realized ....

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