Good morning!
Yesterday I shared visually from my applied experimentations over the years (a.k.a. feeding and nourishing my body
)....where a series of decisions, observations, and choices lead to the collection of information and yet another decision to experiment by applying the information into my life. At that point something experience! Followed by observation and choice to try it again or not. And if I choose to try it again over a course of time, and observe the results, I am now left with something else.....A knowledge base from my experience AND observation. Now if that knowledge is serving me and can serve others in a beneficial way and that knowledge can be applied for good, I'm seeing how it can now build wisdom in me and others. The knowledge itself is not the wisdom. The words on paper are not the wisdom. The gift of the experience and good observation in one's own life through application sparks a light within and all the loose ends that get tied up and all the connections that needed to be made in that life leads to a gift in wisdom.

Sure if you like to collect, and be that master in the game of Trivial Pursuit, then collecting information and facts is your thing. If you like to be known for your skills in memorization, and information management, there are many careers requiring such skills. However, be mindful of flaunting your knowledge without sharing the journey of application. The gifts from within your journey can shed light and help others to find their way as well.
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