Good morning!
Well THAT'S annoying!! This boy though LOL

Have you ever given someone a compliment or you were celebrating something awesome that they had done, and they turn around with a scowl, shoot down your compliment, AND dismiss the accomplishment.

So I am calling it out.....if you experience even the SMALLEST of wins in your day and your life, please don't "DISMISS THE WIN". Catch yourself!! Stop discounted the ways you are growing.... in which life is GOING for you. You are forgetting to celebrate and enjoy! Even if it is just for a second...acknowledge it!
"Lucky" for me I spent many years in a circle of influence of people that were very quick to dismiss any accomplishment that I could have achieved. It didn't make me want to prove them wrong as maybe their intent was....instead it sat as a voice in the back of my head (and maybe still does) telling me all the things I dream of are not was totally killing my joy in life. And it also became a part of a journey of taking my own head space and joy back.
Now, I am in the practice of recognizing and celebrating, on a daily basis (with a much nicer circle of peeps
) , the many little things that are showing up as positive proof of the growth I am experiencing and the goals I am aiming to achieve. It's always been there in my life...and it IS always present in yours.... you just have to give yourself the opportunity to enjoy it.

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