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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, January 25, 2019

"Elisa's Size 16 to 6 Success!" - My FYM Journey Revisited

Happy New Year!!

It's the 4th week into January and 2019! I'm plugging away daily on my chosen direction that I set a few months back and have some really good results in this year so far.

After a couple of years away from regularly working out with the Fit Yummy Mummy workouts due to some pretty bad icy falls, trying to support and keep up with my hubby in his fitness journey, and other injuries from "adventuring" activities, I decided to jump back in where I left off almost exactly to the day and I was amazed. I had got the go ahead in the Autumn from my Physio that I should be good to go with doing regular training again, and that is what I did. Definitely slower than where I was, but it felt really good after. I realized that the thing about the FYM workouts that have made it sustainable as my "go-to" in my workouts is that they are simple and progressive. It's now been over 10 YEARS since I first began with Holly and the workouts she shared, so I found it fitting to share my success story as the New Year kicks off as well as the commitment of many to bring a healthy lifestyle into the changes they are experiencing in 2019. ENJOY!

Elisa's Size 16 to 6 Success!

Elisa's Fit Yummy Mummy Experience Helped Her To Lose 47 Pounds & Over 8 Inches Off Her Mommy Belly!

"Even though my Fit Yummy Mummy journey began in September of 2007 it was not until April 1st, 2008 that I applied to become an official member of ClubFYM.

I was DONE with being foolish in my ways, and after going it alone, it was time for me to come to a place of support in my life!

Although I had decided to become the change I wanted to see and became supportive to others and exuded positivity, I still needed someone to turn to that could relate to my situation and provide additional encouragement.

After having my second child, and coming back from the edge of death, the things that once were so simple for me to do were now a chore.

I had trouble walking and the traumatic experience I had while in the hospital started me on a path that was not leading in a direction I wanted my life, my second chance at life, to go.

It was a time in my life that is best described with one word, pain.

I had reached a max weight of 250 lbs during pregnancy that was very hard to for me to carry. After our son was delivered, I went down to 180 lbs, partly due to being starved, and partly because I couldn't get up to make a proper meal for me and the family.

Well, that weight loss soon ended after spending a month at my in-laws and ballooning to 220 lbs in a month. OUCH!!

And after returning home I finally got the go-ahead to workout again, I began with Slim in Six. I was able to get down below 200 lbs, but not after being miserable and in continued pain from doing the exercises.

I now know that it was due to not enough recovery was everyday for about an hour. I left it alone and decided to eat healthier.

I went about making swap-outs in our nutrition. I traded white sugar for brown sugar (it was the healthy option at the time). Then I swapped out 100% fruit juice and no longer bought soda or had it in the house.

That in itself made a big difference. I kept my finger to the pulse of what was healthy and learned a lot of information through newsletters, books, and the internet. Although I noticed some changes...

I was not happy with where I was at.

I missed the body I once had and the agility and mobility.

Every time we went grocery shopping my eyes would wander in the direction of the fat loss supplements. I kept asking myself if it would be worth it to flush the good fat away along with the bad to achieve results. I just couldn't do it.

I used the morning workout on TV and it was a bit better, but if I missed the time it came on....oh well! And there was a lot of floor work which was NOT working with my boys at all......There instant response was "WHEE let's get on!" and that was not my idea of getting in the workout. Also my hubby was interested in working out together. I jumped to the computer and looked up "busy mom workout", saw Holly's page and opted in for the free "Get Your Body Back" Starter Pack.

From that day in September 2007 every step I took drew me closer to my goal of getting rid of my belly flap (which was causing concerning skin issues) and the rewards continued to surprise me.

I applied the supportive nutrition and it helped to tweak my nutrition and the Fat Blasting Holiday Workout opened a WHOLE new world for me.

I was hooked!

The DB swings are still my favorite. I felt energized and able! I could do it and it didn't hurt me!

The excitement I experienced from the efficiency of it all was my motivation to apply as Holly described it. I put in the full length of the video with pure intensity, giving my boys no time to jump on me and I was done!

Now had I read the full page at I would have seen the basic package for an affordable price, but it forced me to be resourceful and tap into the resources I was provided with to gain the tips and knowledge to put into a workout of my own and also to continue to try and encourage hubby's desire to workout as well .

After a short time, I was surprised by the results.

I was ready to make the plunge and get the full Fit Yummy Mummy e-book and also join in on the Summer transformation challenge. I really had no other goal, but to continue to be pleasantly surprised by applying the FYM workouts and the supportive nutrition and continuing to grow in my relationships at ClubFYM.

My Results

Age 34, Height: 5'6 April 2008 to November 2009

Weight: 187 lbs to 140
Waist: 34" to 29"
Mommy Belly: 39" to 30.5”
Hips: 44" to 36"

47 pounds lost -- 8.5 inches off Mommy Belly

As I look back, I would even say that I rocked it!

From all this I learned that going for the upgrade- the full package, continuing to give yourself little challenges and LOVING what it is you are doing will yield greater results than you have aimed for.

This is a wonderful foundation for life lived healthy, and fruitful.

There are many times in our lives when we are faced with things we don't want to do or feel like doing, but we know it's for the best. Set the folly of fear aside and step out confidently to "Just do it" when you know it's a good thing that you are doing. Have faith that you will not only benefit from making that step, but you WILL succeed; in either gaining knowledge and wisdom or in moving closer towards achieving your goals.

The Fit Yummy Mummy system is not just a diet plan or workouts, but knowledge gained through resources and experiences.....a springboard for living well and living fit...emotionally, physically, and mentally."

~ Elisa Sterling-Cowan, Age 34, Mom of Two Boys, Edmonton, AB, Canada

"I am so thankful that the beginning of this challenge for me began the weekend of the FYM live event in Kentucky, April 2009. WHAT A BLESSING! I was surrounded by people who were like-minded and focused on a similar goal, being the best that they could be and not willing to give up on living and loving in life. It was amazing…..I cannot express how pinnacle a moment it was for me to have that to look back to for encouragement…..thank you ladies and thank you Holly." ~ Elisa


I am so thankful for your friendship Elisa and words cannot express how very proud I am of all the success you have achieved! I look forward to our next FYM Meet up! ~ Holly

Holly Joi Rigsby is a Lifestyle Design Coach for Moms and the author of Fit Yummy Mummy. You can find her at her new website, , as well as on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube.

1 comment:

Holly Rigsby said...

What a story!!!
I was so proud of you then... and even more proud of you now as I have watched you take on this journey and create amazing, lasting changes in your life as well as for your family.
Thank you for taking a chance on FYM, on me and on our Club Community to give you the encouragement, support and guidance you were seeking to experience your transformation!
