Good morning.
Yup! I messed up! What I intended to happen...well, didn't come through quite that way
.... Honestly, I am making "mistakes" ALL the time! Some times I think it's because I just jump in without thought, but even when I give things a "thought", they don't always turn out in the way that I imagined or expected it to.

Years ago this used to tear me up. It would lead me down a path of some pretty harsh head chatter wondering why I was always messing up...why I JUST couldn't get things right.....why did there always have to be a glitch when I do things?....Perhaps it was from the influence of language around me...many saw me as unlucky and awkward LOL. All I know is, asking those questions took away much of my energy in even giving them consideration...I was drained before I could even THINK about doing anything else.

And then I had kids MWAHAHAHA!! 

And all my ideas of what "supposed to be" and "perfect" would look like it kinda went out the window...or the middle of the day when it was supposed to be nap time, having me calling the authorities for help....LOL... the stories though
But there was one thing that really chimed in then, and still does today (especially this morning
)....The Magic School Bus!!! “Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!” If there was anything my children were good at was taking chances....always wanting to learn
. ALWAYS!! And I had to surrender to the power of the gift in learning through their choices instead of the stagnant (and draining) energy of expectations, etc. What I learned most is that in the practicing we "get" to do in this life, there is the unfolding of a Divine intention and a bigger picture and story that we are all a part of. As my kids grew and learned, and learned and grew some we continued to pull lessons from our "experiments" in living, we also grew to bestow compassion on one another in our disappointments, we were growing in our characters and relationships with each other and ourselves. I learned to love and forgive in way that grew faster and faster over time. Especially in hindsight of some BIG "errors" that weigh very little in the way of importance now than it had at the time I was experiencing them. I don't "expect" to make mistakes, but when they do happen, I am reminded of both my journey to where I am now and the lessons and tools I've gained along the way.

Can we even truly forgive without love? Can we do better for next time? Can we not limit ourselves as a "punishment" for not getting it right? Can we learn, adapt, and grow? I'm grateful that in all that I have messed up with, even in just the last month, I am still here. (Words a friend shared with me...
) We all are...

So, for all those things that can and will still happen, I say this... "Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
And the process of doing them...might be a little messy

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