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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, January 4, 2019

All the jiggly bits ... feeling good in my own skin NOW

All the jiggly bits

Today I decided to “splurge” and try on some tops that I saw on the sale rack while out shopping with the boys. It was just me in the change room, and as I hurried to try on the items, I had a flash back….of me out doing my reward shopping trip after reaching a fitness goal…which I think was about 10 years ago now. WOW!! As I saw my reflection jiggle and shake back at me, I realized that these two change room experiences were QUITE different.

I recall when I took off my clothes to try on the assortment that I picked out 10 years ago. I don’t even recall what I was trying on, I just remember how I felt when I initially undressed and stood there in the mirror all those years ago….I felt happy for my results, AND an overwhelming level of sadness and loneliness. I literally had no one to share in that moment with celebrate that I finally achieved, after 2 years of pain and emotional stress....staying focused and supported with groups and people from half-way across the world, the healthy and lean body I worked hard for after a very difficult pregnancy and over 100 pounds of weight gained. I may have had some loose skin, but everything I tried on looked amazing. My body tone was exactly what I wanted it to be, and that part felt really good.

Fast forward to today...where I saw under bright, stark lighting all the jiggly bits moving around LOL. And I was like….”Nice”, “OH WELL!” and I continued on my way. The tops fit great and the pants fit perfect too. I was happy with how everything fit, and I felt loved and supported in that space. Definitely a big contrast to the experience I felt years ago and not the heavy weight of feeling uncelebrated or unseen. I still feel the sting of how that “hurt” in my heart.

So why am I sharing this? Because the question is, what’s so different? I had the body, that if I tried on anything, it would fit the way I wanted it to and look the way I wanted it to look. I was strong and lean and I was grateful to have achieved that for myself. I find, that I keep comparing myself to myself from 10 years ago, but even though that woman still inspires me, she is not who I am experiencing now. The woman I am today, with her unique set of challenges and growth, can see the potential of what I have now, and the work that I am putting in to make significant changes in my life.  This woman that I am now is also her own fortified cheerleader and support. Even though the woman of 10 years ago wasn't trying to impress anyone with her weight loss, it was a HARD road of pushing through so much criticism and disbelief to get there. NOW, no one is really noticing what is going on physically, but also things have changed, not just with MY mindset, but with the mindset of those I am surrounded with. What changed was my circle of influence.

I AM well supported from both the inside out, and also by those I share company with. They don't expect LESS from me....they see me in a great light. And I think it is important, that as we go along into the New Year with resolutions and big goals, that we also look to how we can BEST be supported. This is why coaches are a valuable resource. Not because they get paid to push you, but the really GOOD coaches celebrate you and want to see you succeed. They believe in the freedom and joy that you will achieve and the wonders in the journey along the way.

Honestly, there is so much I would share with people about my journey over the last 10+ years....the parts that really lit me up and sparked my fire, but describing it can't do it really have to experience that feeling for yourself. And my fellow coaches really feel that for their clients. HAHAHA, it's awesome to see someone get lit up when the person they are helping has their "lightbulb" go off and they get to experience the "goodness" for themselves. It's such a beautiful experience. 

So part of the difference I experienced from 10 years ago to today was...I really LOVE the enjoyment and giddiness I get from celebrating ME!! Unapologetically!! It feels great to feel great :D And I feel the Omnipresence of celebration all around me as well. God is like my personal coach, always cheering me on and rooting for my success. 

So do me a favour, will you? Let's bring in much more JOY into the journey into 2019 and beyond. And if you need a little help and support, then know that there are good coaches out there will to help you to get where it is you are wanting to go. 💗

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