Good morning! It's sunny out, breakfast was eaten, teeth were brushed, corrections and commitments were made, the kids "made" it to school, my house is 'littered' with the "cleaning" of Lego, there are washed dishes and cleaned laundry waiting to be put away, one window got successfully washed yesterday ...I'm grateful. Not for any one of the above mentioned or not mentioned reasons, but for the gift of witnessing my very own life.
I also have a witness for things that could be done, that could be finished and sit there...staring at me day in and day out...things that I write and that may never be read...paintings I paint and sit in storage, ideas I have written down, plans I have sketched out, that, before this very moment were haunting me...and now I see that their times will soon come to fruition, as do most things that have been prepared in advance to "Be" ready for just the opportune time. When does that time come? It comes when you are prepared to notice it is already there...Laundry and dishes will always need doing, Lego will be decorating my home for years to come, but as long as I remain constant in my unfolding of dreams and hopes more than the folding of laundry (as much fun as it is), I have faith that what I have to share and inspire with will get put to good use. 

Now off to attend to business and errands. Enjoy witnessing the wonders in your life 

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