Celebrating 14 years today. Our biggest commitment and life changer ever. Together, Jeremy and I were baptized on a cold December day....LOL in a "shack" behind the "Inn" (Well, it was in the garage behind our friends house, but close analogy

For me, it has been more surreal, and individualized than I felt my journey was before.... with one major difference. ..unity! United WITH God in my life has opened a full spectrum of gifts I could have never imagined (and did not imagine) for my life. My perspective of my life through the lense of God has left me in awe...every day. Grateful doesn't fully describe. ..no matter where I have been at, I have been held, loved, protected...Through it all, the Grace experienced through my (our) journey has inspired me beyond measure.
May that Grace continue to inspire. ..and grow our hearts and yours as well.
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