Good morning! I'd like to take you on a journey...even if you travel only a part of the way with me, it's quite the experience.

However, before I extend my hand for you to join me, or before something grips you with hesitation, let me be the first to pause...
You...are a part bigger picture (that's right! I owned it
...the picture that I see...) AND...I am...a part of your bigger picture...

And so begins the journey...of considering...what is it...that you can your bigger picture? Are you standing over it as the picture rests on a table? Are you flying over your life as you play your roles and watch the other stories in the moving picture overlap with yours? Are you watching a tick on a timeline move forward, which represents you, as it moves through moments and events in time?
Now here's another offer...can you expand your viewpoint? More pictures to the table...more ticks on the timeline with you...more even higher...? Or even higher still? Can you even consider even higher than that? A more encompassing viewpoint...more stories overlapping, more scenes to view...
You see, everyday, we have this travel available in a heartbeat. For me, even though my short-sightedness in the moment of doing or not doing...of grief and sadness...despair and heartbreak...judgment or even a less-than-love attitude toward myself...I can just go, a bit higher than my current perspective allows, and witness a fullness I didn't believe was there. And you don't have to convince yourself through can go and dig for proof of this bigger picture with overlapping stories, scenes, and moments...experiences...and witness for yourself...
And so the journey continues... 

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