Good morning! I got a mix tape going OFF in my head and I am loving it HA! (I'd like to invite you on a journey....hey yo 1, 2, 3....I shall...proceed..and continue to rock the mic...

BUT, to get to the matter at hand. ..I have given myself...permission. To share with you (I had to declare a disclaimer statement first LOL ) more concretely from my journey in this beautiful life (from now, for 2016 and beyond). This is the set point...the launch pad,..the dock from which I am throwing in my huge pebble and making waves. I am setting my intention. All my intentions (versus my"goals" which I had set in the past based on the expectations and prodding of others...just not how I work I guess
) have come into fruition. I am living in their fruits now. Including this one I have just set.

Moving forward, I am grateful for where I am now. This IS a new to me ME...putting words into thoughts, back into words...I have never met this ME before, so I cannot assume that I know what and how she does or does anything! Leaving "me" no choice but to be open to the unfolding of possibilities in "my" life. And so my intention is that of welcome...I AM inviting you to join me on this journey of awe and wonder. Who's in?
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