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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Love, and integrity are of great value

 Good morning! Yesterday I was offered a lovely opportunity...and then hours later I was given insight that I was grateful for. It allowed me to see that I really believe in not just the potential within children, but their present-moment intelligence and wisdom. I also trust the my children will set aside folly in moments when it counts.

In being offered money for services rendered, I have decided not to diminish the value of the heart of that service...but to increase the value of those being served as well as honouring the value that is already present. I believe we are given opportunities to empower, build up, encourage, and make welcome one another. When that is set aside to just get the "job" done, I have to question. ...
Love, and integrity are of great value. Enjoy their fruits in your life.

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