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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, November 16, 2015

Build on principle

 My boys were playing yesterday and they created scenarios of threat (I was a Lego character and was held hostage in a dark world...interesting ). Now my rescue was all planned out ahead of time, so they had to be real careful to stick to the story they had already laid out. It put a heaviness on my heart...after witnessing quite a few inconsistencies recently and having them observed and confirmed by others.

We love the stories we have created in our lives. They give us reason, passion, fuel, opportunity to connect and belong...there is not a life on this earth that does not have a story. And sometimes we lay the story down as the foundation for our future actions and call it out as principle. I have personally laid down many stories in my life so far...many I have walked away from. Why? Because I have chosen to build my foundation on unifying principles. Principles that hold life and love at high value...honour and celebrate beneficial growth and experience. ..that sets aside acting from a place of fear and limited viewpoint, but rather rises up, considering a more expanded perspective, and proceeds in acting that is beneficial to more than just ourselves. All those building blocks surround us in ample supply, but from a bigger, and less restricted lookout can we more easily see these pieces there to build ourselves up with.
When no consult or viewpoint has been taken...question. Question your reaction, and question the story. We speak a world of influence when we tells of our fears...not wanting to start building on a different story because of all the "work" we put into it...not wanting the experience of loss and grief...but as the Lego my boys play with, it is just as easy to build again when you work with a solid, sustainable, beneficial, and evolving story rather than story that doesn't quite flow or end well for all the characters involved.

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