Good Mawning!!
The quick and easy!
Don't we just love a good quick fix? Where we don't have to think about it and it just comes to us? Where it's a one and done and we "avoid" the mess of the process and possibly getting it wrong or messing it up?
I will admit, I applied to myself like it was a science experiment and I calculated the perimeters that would help me to achieve the success I was looking for.
I could see the end result and what that looked like... back into my pre-baby weight body and enjoying being more able-bodied and lean.
I even went as far as applying the psycho-science of Pavlov' s dog and implemented rewards to help me move along the way.
I created this system for myself, applied it, and it worked amazingly! I was 100 lbs down in a year's time! WOOHOO...
Isn't that what I wanted? To lose the weight and have kept it off (for the most part)?
But where I am sitting now and many years beyond the success, I am realizing... had I played the long game in my "quick and easy" process... had I added in the metrics of carrying forward that success with the extended plan and supports... how much more would I have enjoyed knowing that I truly live the LIFESTYLE as well as having and ENJOYING the results long term...
In the years that followed, I realized I left a LOT of good on the table.
I figured that IF I had the body back, it would fix things that weren't so great. Relationships, the mother shaming, the loss of connection...
I realized, as much as external validation of doing something is often sought after to give us the "high five" and "job well done" that we were looking for, it's not really there when we get "there".
Wherever "there" is.
The quick fix I have found (and yes, I have many of them in my back pocket
) is a great tool along the way, but the hype drops off pretty hard and fast if you don't plan for the long game. Keeping the end in mind....HOLDING onto that bigger vision and walking IN it day by day.... WOW! Does that feeling last a whole lot longer from the inside than we allow ourselves to experience.

I just gave myself a GLIMPSE of being on the path in the awesome bigger picture for my life and it gave me chills. It gave the "you're doing great, keep going" and the "you rocked adapting to that change, you are totally living this".... that internal encouragement...seeing YOURSELF in the picture (more on this this week as I explore it for myself) and enjoying what you see being played so much more fulfilling than the "instant" gratification of the shiny things along the way.
Again, I'm not saying the "biohacks" and the "quick fixes" don't have their place. It worked for me to gain back the body I wanted to be in for a time.
But consider your WHOLE PICTURE of the life you want to be living. The bigger picture of YOUR life experience and how you can be enjoying it, SHARING IT (This is the part I could have done more with), and enhancing it along the way.
What does YOUR life vision look like? Or how do parts of it look like for you? Family? Leisure? Experiences? Please share with me! I love hearing about the beautiful things that others envision

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