Good Mawning!
Getting in the picture...
The irony of sharing with others about getting in the picture means... getting in the picture myself LOL. Which also means BEING in the moments I am living and not just doing them and then looking back on my day wondering what all was accomplished.
It's presence! It's YOUR presence in YOUR moments that you are physically in! And then bring your mind and spirit along for the ride. That is KEY!
So many give over their body to the expectation of physical presence and are not there in thought, mind, and spirit. And this has created many problems in the mental health world with numbers that are rising on the crisis side of health than we imagined.
So, let's bring it back to you...being IN the moment of the picture. You being present in WHOLENESS and tasting, feeling, sensing, witnessing, AND participating in YOUR experience.
It's the simple things that make it work.
Taking a simple moment and picking ONE sense. (I'm picking smell) Breathe in and notice.... (I'm smelling the lingering aroma of "fire pit") And choose to make a factual observation... (we burned would in our fire pit last night) And now I am making an adjective based statement in my head...(It was a sunny, warm, and friendly outdoor gathering with a handful of friends) I'm noticing the the emotions around it and the smile on my face, and the subtle nod of my head.
Now to do that with all your moments
... enjoy each experience. I journal and count my wins which is often a roll call for the moments and things I did throughout the day. Yesterday was a full day of making each of those moments count.

How about you? This is not a comparison and technically I am "talking" to the voice in your head that is the "reader"...and that gets to be the observer
. What things did you do yesterday (or even think and feel or smell and taste) that you can recall from the "picture" of your life you lived yesterday?

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