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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, April 3, 2021

These feet were made for walking. Joy is in each step of my journey


It had become a chore.

I started driving on my own only 8 years ago. It helped to give me the time and space I needed in my head and schedule to get things done. Before that, I bussed and walked everywhere.

Can you believe that I had trauma from taking the bus??? (Enter Rosa Parks... ) I could not believe how many times I was being "made" to run for blocks before the bus driver would stop and let me on. Pounding on the doors, watching them laugh as they drove off... I sprinted between stops, got there ahead of them only for them to keep driving.

DANG!! I was SO DONE with that crap!!

Can you imagine, doing that WITH a baby stroller, downtown...? YES! Either on my own or with the kids in tow.

Driving gave me the "mental" peace of travelling more on our terms.

SIGH! I can feel the peace in that transition even now <3


But for years, I had prided myself on "footing" it everywhere. I made great time...on time (that's why I ran making those connections)... and I loved that I was ABLE to walk.

Yes! ABLE! I had not only plantar fasciitis, but some severe tearing in my feet from inappropriate work footwear. I was slated for a surgery that was only 50% guaranteed to work or render me unable to walk.

I wanted to be able to go long distances on my own feet. I wanted to be able to stand for more than 5 minutes at a time.

I DID find the solution that saved me from both surgery and from a life of immobility.

I walked to places that I should have bussed to (because I could, and I was done with the bus-riding drama 🤣🤣🤣).

I took my time and enjoyed the sights and sounds....WITH my little ones in tow. That's right. This was after having both our boys and while towing them around in a stroller.

I didn't have to use the stroller like a walker anymore.

But with all that backstory, it was not until just the other day where I felt that renewed freedom again to just WALK with my own 2 feet.

To enjoy the sights and sounds with my boys in tow ;) .

I am SO EXCITED to be looking FORWARD to being out and about by foot again.

Last year, I made it a priority to get out walking as a family.

The years before, we were out trail running all over the place...most often grudgingly...but glad to have done it.

BUT THIS YEAR!?!? It's our CHOICE to fully enjoy being out and exploring like we used connect in with each other, OURSELVES, and of course with nature too.

What have you come full circle into choosing to enjoy for yourself? Or what would you like to bring more joy to?

#thankyouGod #ableandready #gratitude #divinedesign #onestepatatime #beingactive #healthyhabits #celebrate #LoveFirst #betterandbetter #simpleandconsistent #choosewhatyoulove #loveyourchoice

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