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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

"Enlist No Opponent "

 Good mawning!

My thoughts this morning are around a worthy concept...
"Enlist No Opponent "
I haven't been getting good sleep over the past week. Yesterday felt like quite the derailment.
My only focus seems to be on getting more sleep LOL... which is keeping me awake...
And here's the best part... that's when the "because of's" start marching in.
It's for this reason I am not getting the sleep which leads to this and that not getting done or this choice of action I took and sabotaged myself...
Yet, that is some harsh language. Pretty soon I'll start feeling sensitive and judgy of other people's tones and intentions. And THAT will make me feel guarded and have the need to be ready to defend.
Yes, there is a lot that has happened out in the world over the last week. Yes, there has been a lot of circumstances in my life that have left me feeling unsupported and attacked. I would be completely "Justified " in any rant I took in "opposition" to these injustices in life.
Have you experienced backlash, rejection, ostracization, physical threats, rage and angry outlashes, avoidance, disgust, dismissal, faithlessness, slander, dissention...?
Will you use the same? Will you justify becoming that which happened in order to bring balance?
It's a slippery slope. It not a path that leads where you want it to go. A slippery mud slide.
But let's go gets messier... the story of betrayal and hatred with a side of sabotage. It feels worse and doesn't feel any better for you. It hurts over and over again with no end...
Interruption is better than intervention...
The path to healing is in honest awareness. The "fight" is not serving you. The battle that was lost in the field years ago you bring forward into every new day with justified intensity...
Because now, even though the offense was had, you are still experiencing the lashes. The actions and choices aren't serving you.
So how to interrupt?
Well for me and sleep...I'm not going to punish myself for what felt like sabotage yesterday. I was ready to go down that blame road...and I've been on that ride before. But with the cuts from the constant rocks and the bruises, it was a rough way to get to the awareness part.
Honest, uncharged, non-judgmental (if you can), compassionate observations of you and the other. No "war" (and no harm) agreed or intended.
If it is charged and sensitive...sit with the tone of your own thoughts...and interrupt. Can you have a loving and compassionate tone? No? Interrupt it. Go for a walk, do something you enjoy, get a massage...
As for me and my "sleep battle", I am mapping out solutions...for both the sleep and the "sabotage" in not being well rested.
No opponents necessary. I'm interrupting with compassion, care, grace, and sustainable and serving solutions.
Anyways, that was my "thought" for today.
If you would like support or feedback at this time, I offer short, one on one discovery calls. Just PM me and we can chat. I'm happy to help.

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