Good mawning!
Put things to good use.
This start to a new day was filled with the thought...
"...appreciate all the areas of richness around you today more fully."
And as I got up out of bed and looked around, I knew where I needed to start LOL 
My sweaters and scarves overspilling from their spaces of organization...the dust smiling at me from the bookshelf...

And without extra thought, I started dusting and folding while listening in on a Zoom call.
And as my cleaning and appreciation spilled out of my bedroom into the kitchen, I saw this nailbrush and was #inspired to clean the backsplash with it where my Chef splattered soup the other day.
It was dirty! The nailbrush that is. Hadn't been used for some time. And as I added soap and water ad then just started scrubbing out the sink first with it, it started to get clean as IT was cleaning.
By the time I got the soup off the wall (LOL he did wipe most of it with the immersion blender
) and rinsed out tje brush it was SO MUCH cleaner.

And then it hit me... we are so much better when WE know we are putting ourselves to good use.
Our boys to me are such wonderful humans. And it's not based on my momma bias "alone"
. It's because these boys have taken care of ME while I've been ill in autoimmunity...and they picked up the slack. They did laundry, they cleaned, they cooked...they even made sure I ate when I was passed out on the couch.

They know what they are capable of...they put themselves to good use. And because they continue to do so, they don't get stagnant or built up with dirt and stuff.
Simple and consistent. In good action...ANY action that serves in a good way will do. It will build up your knowing. It will get you up out of your bed to play in a new day. It will open your eyes to the richness of the life around you.
Feel good knowing you ARE capable and appreciated for rhe good you being to the lives around.
Thank you nailbrush. I appreciate your help and good service 

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