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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, March 8, 2019

Musings and inspirations from playing sudoku

 Good morning!

Playing sudoku musings….to solve the puzzle and put each piece where it best fits you have to narrow your focus. Choose one thing and then focus on that in that moment. And then move on to the next. Less error is necessary when you choose to use the power of your attention to see where things have a “best” fit. It is okay to put down one thing for a time to pick up another that is more clear in the moment and then to return to your original focus. It helps to make other things more clear along the way.
Forcing clarity...for years I have found myself ebbing in and out of forcing clarity, understanding, and let's be honest, results to “happen”. And I have been shown time and time again that yes, what I focus on expands (“good” or “bad”...there really isn’t a judgment necessary), but also that in choosing a direction to go in also doesn’t mean having to put off the things you love doing and are in the habit of having or doing or being….those will shift, if needed, along the way in there own time. Sometimes it’s in THOSE points of connection that we enjoy, that we find the answers and clarity for the next steps ahead.
We can choose to take the smaller, more focused steps on a daily basis with consistency and see the fruition of success from just applying ourselves to improvement even the 1% level.
Not sure which direction you are heading in? Seek to improve on the basics….personal care and hygiene, fitness and nutrition, home and environment, a more balanced mood and overall attitude of wellness, personal relationships….improving on your foundational experience helps to open up to more clarity in other areas of life.
As I am writing this to share, I am also playing sudoku...almost finished the game. As I proceed toward the process of completion, the puzzle goes faster and faster. At this point, I am meditating on the little insights, like a conversation, and proceeding through the process of playing the game. Don’t forget to connect in with joy each day. Even when things get forceful and tricky, remember, you can always push pause, take a deep breath and even think of joy. Then focus back in on what it is that you need for your next move, and then go from there.
There is a basic understanding to what it is that we are choosing to put our focus in on….what things that are general needed for its proper completion or fruition in our lives. Making sure to understand those FIRST, and then moving forward with those as a compass helps in making choices that move you forward successfully. It helps to ALIGN you with your chosen goal or result OR even just your day to day experience of peace, joy, love, and wellness.
Sometimes the same things we are looking for are to be found in another spot from where we are looking and if we apply it there, it will help to make it more clear how to apply it in our original situation. Similarly, when you have experienced success or fulfillment in one area of life with ease, you can apply what you know there as steps into others areas where you find more “struggle” and uncertainty in. The system may just help to get things moving and open up more clarity for you.
Puzzle complete! Joy in the zero error win, grief in the conversation coming to an end and having enjoyed to the process of unfolding and clarity along the way.
Have a great weekend!
P.S. “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

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