Good morning.
Yesterday there were a quite a few announcements....death announcements...all around the same age too....and it made me think of the journey of those that people "pedestal" but don't connect to or with.
SO my question is, would you have shown up? "We" tend to (as a society) show up when someone does something big and flashy....when it's for our eyes to see. When someone is in the media and in pictures with people others admire. But how often do you find that the thought of someone goes as quickly as it came? How often do you assume that someone ELSE is in there handling things? How often do you send love and well wishes when just the mere thought of someone crosses your mind?
There was a time when a neighbour of mine challenged the idea of praying for our neighbours, even when we may not like them....and yet I wonder if that person ever prays for me...and I will admit, as much as I bless that person and sometimes they are in my prayers, I don't pray for our relationship...
I have been "blessed" with people sharing with me that they had hoped others would have shown up when they thought to but chose not to...for whatever reason....I know of others still that paid for the support and the company to have around them only to find that those would not last and the connections were superficial. Are we willing to show up as WILLING, authentic, and connective?? Would you show up if someone paid you to? Would you show up if they didn't?
I have a few dear friends and the ones that are closest are the ones that allowed me to see the good in them and celebrate them for it. They received encouraged and showed up with thoughtful and genuine encouragement in return. Connection! Can you truly say that you have a CONNECTION with those around you? Or are people only around you for what they have chosen about you to be connected to? AND are you open to connecting in deeper ways than just your usual "patch" of people? Are you "cliqued"? (check yo' self, are you?)
Stop saying... "Check in on the strong ones"...That's CRAP! "Strong" ones are not like pets that need their water and food topped off....that is your perception...CONNECT!! Get in there and share some heart! Share your joys....connect in with LIFE! Have MOMENTS together! Actively SHARE your love! Our souls are FED with such things!! And we are here for such a purpose as this, to have and to ENJOY connection and relationships! Our communities are built off of it...our homes exist because of it...our wealth RELIES on it!!
And I say this, because we are ALL not guaranteed that next .... (fill in the blank), but as you know, the potential for transition is open for all of us....are you passing on that gift of connection to ALL those around you? Are you allowing light to be shone in the lives of those around you? Do not COMPLAIN of humanity and not CONNECT!! We are all here for it 

SO as those that live and breathe around you are share in the same air, and same space...CONNECT in with them and share in life while we are here living it

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