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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, March 11, 2019

If you're not feeling it, is it E.L.F.?


THIS! Or what this appears like to others...

This morning, I decided to "see" what was on my ongoing to-do lists....laundry, yard maintenance, lunches, breakfast (green smoothie, done), dinner plans, emails, taxes, taxes, business tasks, writing, journalling, scheduling,...and I know I forgot....doh, passport, commuting, groceries, meeting, printing....
Some are simple, some are enjoyable and E.L.F. for me, and then the rest....meh. Energy-outs, not in my lane of interest or ease of comprehension, and not easy-lucrative-fun....
In the latter category, I feel very much like the cat in the before I get to that point, I see where I can delegate....grateful for my "helpers" who attach a "currency" of their own to the tasks and make it doable. I'm also not adding to that list at present moment, so not to trigger the feeling of overwhelm and shutting down most all production LOL. On days where health "challenges" set in, then delegation is key. There ARE people that like to do what you don't 🙂

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