Good morning!
So many things I want to touch on Who/What is answering our "How" questions (and how LOL ...)....
...but the main one for me is around the structures that we have all collectively chosen to participate in. Why do we have schools? why do we have clubs? Why do we have communities and tribes? Why do we have borders and countries? Why do we have overarching associations and agencies for our healthcare? Why do we have jobs and workplaces? Why do we have churches, temples, and mosques? Why do we have types of society and culture? Why do we have all these social media sites and what good are they for?
I see people posting about these ALL the time. I hear people share their concerns and experiences and wash an entire genre or system with their opinion or bad experience and rally many to join in their opposition without regard for what other individuals may experience. I see and hear the conclusive and "absolute" statements that are to be held as fact and substantial evidence, when in fact, there must be something more that we can all experience within these structures if they work for some of the people that experience within, around, and through them.
What do you see that all these things have?
Well, I don't know what you may see, but I will use my "filter" (of looking for the good that serves) and share what it is that I see....
Common ground. These structures came about because there was an agreement of common interest.
Now to take it step further....perhaps we can then choose what we would WANT to connect in with. Some of which we didn't choose was chosen for us, based on where and what we were born into, but at some point, we recognize that we DO have a choice in how it can serve us or how we can find something that serves us better.
Even one more step "up" on the ladder (going for a higher, more broader viewpoint here
) ....what if we saw these as supports to allow us the opportunity to chose and grow when we get to that point of choice. Why not have these things serve as stepping stones, gateways, portals into our next level of living and then branch out to a choice that better serves us? And for those moments in time when we get off track or feel out of sorts, we could look back to these systems to help remind us or even support us along the way.

For example, I hated school (and LOVED learning). My experience in school early on was riddled with racism and racial slurs and language on a constant basis... and being pushed, shoved, ganged up on, and harassed for the bulk of my elementary experience (with the exception of a FEW friends, who are even connected with me today here on Facebook). Which then changed as I moved up in the system...less and less harassment and more and more opportunities for learning. I'm super grateful for the support of the "system" to allow for the environment of being in the common ground of an expectation of learning (LOL I put that expectation in and of the environment, and that's what I chose to get from it...most of the time

Same goes for my spiritual the beginning it was a mess of situations that caused my family to chose to never go back to the same church, but they gave me the choice to go if I wanted to....and I did. Thankfully, as I navigated my choice and the type of spiritual alignment I would have, I was able to find support in my journey through being guided to the "family" I am with today. Granted, my spiritual journey still stands out as unique and I know what I have, AND I also make the most of being connected in with some like-minded individuals as well through the structure I am a part of.
So what's my point? We have choice. We choose how we want to connect and be supported...and when we feel that is not happening, we can look around and recognize there actually are deeper levels we can experience through, if we are willing to look and see.
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