Good morning!
There is this kid I know...he is pure radiance and free in his nature. He approaches with head-tilted curiosity and has some of the best ideas and statements. This child I fully celebrate and we love his family too. He's not challenged by the thoughts of whether or not he believes in himself....yet....and I hope, that he will keep that with the help of the positive and nurturing influences in his life

And even though I was a child of head-tilted curiosity, my influence was in contrast to my dear little friend. There was such a cyclone of discouragement and disbelief that I got swept up in on a daily basis that I often marvel of the person that I am today. Encouraging, playful, and yes, still feeling the weight of a lack of belief in my life.
Sometimes people come into our lives for whatever reason, but when they leave a mark from the efforts to break you down....discredit you....shame you amongst peers....isolate you and single you out....sometimes it can feel like that mark will never you have been "labelled" and it seems to come at you over and over again....
I'm not here for more of that, thank you. I believe in others, I celebrate others and I do believe (somewhere within me) that I am deserving of the same. I want to believe in me...and better yet, regardless of if others do or not, I truly GET to believe in me.
And I ask those who read this a favour....truly check, within your "heart of hearts", do you? DO you believe in the fullness of the good that is within those around you? Can you see the potential? Can you connect in and see the joy of celebrating their lives? Can you extend the sight of joy, and play, and peace in a vision within your mind for your fellow neighbour or person on the street? Can you? Will you? And for yourself too? Do you have a hard time believing in YOU? Because whether or not others are choosing to do that for and of GET to do it for yourself and others AND no one can stop you

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