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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, March 29, 2019

Needing help to put things into practice

 Today I was in the grocery store and someone asked advice on a certain product on the shelf and how it can help her reach a goal....I freely shared the tips about the problem.

And at one point in the conversation I realized....we all need help to put things into practice. It's a process to get from where you are, apply the knowledge and information, translate it into action, and experience on a consistent basis to achieve the goals we set. Sometimes we can manage to help ourselves and figure stuff out...sometimes we need the "help" and the "how" from someone with a bit more experience.
She took my card...I've been where she is at....and I know having all the hacks and tips means nothing without consistent application and the mindset to put it into practice.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Minding the gap... What good have you gained?

 Evening thoughts...

...I walked past a mirror and not only did I see my reflection but I had a flashback to 10 years ago...when I weighed in at the lowest weight and smallest size of my married life 😊
Of COURSE, I wondered what was different in my eating, etc. ...and then I remembered...10 years ago my thyroid was on the high side of normal and my autoimmune experience was pretty I wasn't driving yet or limping from an injured toe...
It's good to mind the gap and see how far you've come. I've maintained normal hormone levels for about 5 or 6 years now along with other hormones that balanced out...all through nutrition and honouring what I eat. Just the basics...I still eat treats and some processed foods, but everything is more in line with what supports my body now...more mental clarity...more resilience and capacity...and more personal support.

An agreement of common interest...choose how you want to connect and be supported

 Good morning!

So many things I want to touch on Who/What is answering our "How" questions (and how LOL ...)....
...but the main one for me is around the structures that we have all collectively chosen to participate in. Why do we have schools? why do we have clubs? Why do we have communities and tribes? Why do we have borders and countries? Why do we have overarching associations and agencies for our healthcare? Why do we have jobs and workplaces? Why do we have churches, temples, and mosques? Why do we have types of society and culture? Why do we have all these social media sites and what good are they for?
I see people posting about these ALL the time. I hear people share their concerns and experiences and wash an entire genre or system with their opinion or bad experience and rally many to join in their opposition without regard for what other individuals may experience. I see and hear the conclusive and "absolute" statements that are to be held as fact and substantial evidence, when in fact, there must be something more that we can all experience within these structures if they work for some of the people that experience within, around, and through them.
What do you see that all these things have?
Well, I don't know what you may see, but I will use my "filter" (of looking for the good that serves) and share what it is that I see....
Common ground. These structures came about because there was an agreement of common interest.
Now to take it step further....perhaps we can then choose what we would WANT to connect in with. Some of which we didn't choose was chosen for us, based on where and what we were born into, but at some point, we recognize that we DO have a choice in how it can serve us or how we can find something that serves us better.
Even one more step "up" on the ladder (going for a higher, more broader viewpoint here 😉 ) ....what if we saw these as supports to allow us the opportunity to chose and grow when we get to that point of choice. Why not have these things serve as stepping stones, gateways, portals into our next level of living and then branch out to a choice that better serves us? And for those moments in time when we get off track or feel out of sorts, we could look back to these systems to help remind us or even support us along the way.
For example, I hated school (and LOVED learning). My experience in school early on was riddled with racism and racial slurs and language on a constant basis... and being pushed, shoved, ganged up on, and harassed for the bulk of my elementary experience (with the exception of a FEW friends, who are even connected with me today here on Facebook). Which then changed as I moved up in the system...less and less harassment and more and more opportunities for learning. I'm super grateful for the support of the "system" to allow for the environment of being in the common ground of an expectation of learning (LOL I put that expectation in and of the environment, and that's what I chose to get from it...most of the time 😃 )
Same goes for my spiritual the beginning it was a mess of situations that caused my family to chose to never go back to the same church, but they gave me the choice to go if I wanted to....and I did. Thankfully, as I navigated my choice and the type of spiritual alignment I would have, I was able to find support in my journey through being guided to the "family" I am with today. Granted, my spiritual journey still stands out as unique and I know what I have, AND I also make the most of being connected in with some like-minded individuals as well through the structure I am a part of.
So what's my point? We have choice. We choose how we want to connect and be supported...and when we feel that is not happening, we can look around and recognize there actually are deeper levels we can experience through, if we are willing to look and see.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Choose beyond your limits

 This came up in my memories and it lines up with the ponderings of today. My thoughts before laying in bed tonight were intense so I am sharing them.... choice is active! In each moment of choice, a "biscuit " of power shows up in our hands and we actively feed it to one option or another...from one driver or another. I no longer prescribe to the idea that 'passive' is destructive because it doesn't look accidental or thought'less' to's choosing and I give us more power in our choosing than is often described. It takes energy for me to choose one way or another. I feel the energy I have spent from choosing to 'not' make the more loving just a thought...where can you better feed your experiences and life through the better and more loving choices you make today? #choosewholehearted

Friday, March 22, 2019

Choose your peace

 Your Peace is more important than being ATTACHED to driving yourself crazy....if you see yourself fighting for the conclusions instead of allowing yourself to experience peace....then it may take a LONG time before you sit in the seat of peace that is open for you.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Not only trusting the process, but owning it.

 Good morning!

Today is a writing day for me....followed by some reading and then the rest of the tasks fall into place.
And today's morning post will be around being intentional in your training and not only trusting the process, but owning it. All good training is done through progression. Consistent application on a daily level. And we get better and better each day in this way....all of lifes' "muscles" get stronger as you continue to train for strength.
My spiritual journey, I practice daily more than choosing to eat food (and choosing to fast and not eat food requires training as well).
My mindset journey, I practice daily moreso than drinking my water first thing in the morning (I'm working on my water consumption) .
My nutrition journey, I practice daily, especially since we eat almost everyday and the choice to making healthy choices is presented at each meal (or grumble, or craving if I have any...)
My fitness journey, well....I move each day, but the intention in THIS area of my life right now is not as STRONG as it used to be 10 years ago. I'm not going to beat myself up about it though, I am going to recognize that I can just jump back in and be progressive and daily about my intention in this area of my life as well. I own where I am at, and I take responsible ACTION to move me forward (pun intended 😉 ). I started a few days ago...adding a bit more in each day. And then review my direction about what NEXT steps I can apply that will help me be 1% better the next day.
See, it doesn't matter WHAT area of your life you feel stuck in or uninspired in.....STOP! First look at the "requirements" you have set in place that are holding you back.
Are you ONLY going to be spiritual in a certain setting or environment and if it's not that SPECIFIC thing, then you opt for struggle and suffering? Am I going to keep holding myself back from working out and living a physically fit lifestyle because of injuries and pain, OR am I going to adapt my activities while getting the help I need to recover from injury to increase my capacity?
And now, find something, ANYTHING, that helps you to move closer, even just 1%, toward you living this area of your life in the beautiful way you imagine. Are you taking your vitamins each day? Are you eating your greens each day? Did you drink your 2 litres of water that you set out to drink? Do you connect in and reflect in with yourself and your spiritual journey? Am I representing or realized in the way that I want to be living? How are you feeling today and is it how you want to be feeling? How can you show yourself some compassion today? How can you play a little and experience some joy today? These are ALL intentions and questions that will help to direct you in the training you want to be living out each day....OWN your training, own and trust the process, and enjoy making the steps in your day that move you forward.
Speaking of steps, time to get moving 😉

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Looking for the negative proof to justify an attack on yourself? Stop the abuse


Conversation goes...
H: "I suck at....(fill in the blank) "
L: "So you're comparing then?"
H: "And?"
H: " I can't do ....(fill in the blank)"
L: " But you have done it before, so that's not true."
H: "Yes it is!"
L: "But you are looking only at one side for proof, when you have already contrasted your statement..."
Are you ONLY looking for the negative proof to justify an attack on yourself? Sounds pretty harsh? Well, it feels pretty harsh for others to listen to.... someone breaking themselves down in the light of believing false statements over proven, and POSITIVE facts. Sometimes we don't realize it but...the harsh things we say to ourselves in our heads is also come out of our mouths without us realizing it a lot of the time. It's in the slightest of "slashes" to our own selves, but it is there. This week was a hard one for me and I know that I share a few of those statements (and I am also working on it too 😉 )
Do you choose to defend or justify for beatings or will you stand up for yourself and observe a truer story you would like to live? Because I think, we aren't as bad as our false statements try to make us out to be, and most of us want to live a more fuller story than we are in the habit of repeating.

Sometimes we make our goals a lot bigger than us moving through the journey of our lives

 Good morning!

This morning as I laid in bed and "versing" with inspiration....a few thoughts crossed my mind....
...the sentience in and of our food and food choices...the energy that our food has lived is what is intelligently communicated to us and through us....choose your food wisely and eat with joy, appreciation and gratitude...
....and I was reflecting on my journey with, when I first went to go for my learners and I experienced poor practice that took me out of "achieving" the success that I had simply chosen to fulfill. I was already in a driver's training course and just needed this little thing to continue....and it didn't happen. Grateful that 13 years later I was up to doing that test again...this time with no childcare, 2 kids in tow, in a stroller, in the I sat doing the test, the boys started to fight and yell at each other...and I was NOT going to have this dang "thing" interrupted again!! I just kept going...passed the test, got the picture done, and a couple weeks later, received that card in the mail... SUCCESS! Yes! It was...FINALLY! .... AND, it's also just a was back then and I made the fact that I was being cheated out of it so many years ago and the situation was a MESS, but I LET that stop me then....The situation in the future was actually LESS of a mess than the previous one LOL (fraud, etc.), but it was also just a thing...
....sometimes we make our goals and achievements a lot bigger than us moving through the journey of our lives and becoming and discovering more of who we get to be in this life. It was nothing more than a red light that turned green ...and it was time to move forward along the road....AND I love flowing through the green lights when I am driving to get to where I am going. AND I also let it be OKAY that a light changes colour and says it time to stop. HOWEVER, stop doesn't mean give means wait and then you get to go again....sometimes there is a train to wait to pass, or sometimes we are not paying attention for when the light goes green and it's your time to go.
So, there is nothing wrong with celebrating our achievements and goals achieved, as well as knowing they are the awesome steps to us moving through our lives each day, enjoying better and better along the way.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Appreciate and nurture the connections you DO have

 Good morning

Appreciate and nurture the connections you DO have...we never know how much of an impact our joy and love brings to one another. AND that does mean you have to first consider your own experience of your joy and your love....are you living it to be giving it? ❤❤❤😍

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Not Too Hot, Not Too Cold, Just Right. About Contentment and Balance

Good morning!

I was reflecting on the cold...the perceived absence of heat....but it was still warmer than somewhere else...and I used to have NO problem in tolerating the cold...tolerating the absence of....

Where else are there those contrasts? I've experienced the abundance of the desert...wishing for a cold breeze to kiss me...celebrating when I saw and felt the frost on the cacti in the early morning knowing I just had to choose the right time of day for me to show up and enjoy the Goldilocks! Not too hot, not too cold....just right 😆😆😆

I've experienced the joy of abundance for our family financially....who knew, that what we once longed for to allow for a bit more freedom, that we would achieve. We would give with generosity and no guilt....we would shop, with no guilt, for what it was we needed....and we would know that we could be flexible in moments that were unexpected. And then we learned that the freedom we longed for was the freedom to dream bigger and that we hadn't allowed ourselves to do much and we were content with that....until we turned back on the switch to our bigger dreaming and deeper loving...and then the world looked a lot different, and so did our income....high and lows....just like the weather.

I'm grateful that highs and lows and changes in weather do NOT define the season....the amount of light that we get to experience on a daily basis...that's the season we are in....Winter, allows us to take a rest from such active work....we process our food differently...our energy shifts with a little less light...but as Goldilocks did, she showed up in those "just right" moments. Personally, I get more "me" time in the Winter...or when that "season" calls for me to go within and dig a little deeper into my personal journey and relationships...cuddles are a little longer, enjoying loving a little deeper...focusing more on the company of those around me and truly appreciate the light that others give off. We go on a search for warmth and huddle in.

Then Spring comes...the light in our life increases...the warmth that radiates increases...and the plants and nature start to wake up and get growing. I have produce in my fridge that are growing roots right now! It happens every year with the approach of Spring. You just know by watching nature that there is a bigger energy that goes unseen but signals that its time to get ready , because the work is coming. It’s messy work as a gardener...I have a small vegetable garden and then flowers and shrubs everywhere that give beauty and food and I need to see how to best support their needs before the growing season comes into full affect. It’s the season that starts to make use of the resources accumulated and stored over the’s a time for putting those plans into action….getting the seed into the ground...and there is more light in the day to get that work done.’s filled with hope and action. We couldn’t be hopping around like that all the time. It’s a time to shift that deepening phase into a strengthening phase and get your muscles going.

And then summer comes. Full on adventure, activity, and growth. The most light in our days and lives. And for some, it’s like a “winter” in there lives….Too hot! Time to find shade and somewhere to just chill and hide out. Opportunities to get out and about seem greater and many are in full-on active mode. No stopping... and for them, it goes by way too fast. Personally, Summer tends to be too hot and I feel near hopeless to maintain and keep up with the growth and maintenance of our yard at times. It's a time for many to come together and share in doing the work earlier in the day, enjoy a bit of rest during the day, and coming together again later on to enjoy each other's company. It's a mix of all of the seasons really, and that's probably why it feels so short. A lot of work and a lot of play all wrapped up into one season that has the most daylight available, but for me what feels like a lot less sleep hahaha.

And as Autumn comes in promising the much awaited harvest and rest at the end of a job well done, it often makes me wish that I could have done more of the work of harvesting over the summer, but alas, it wasn't time. Of course, there are greens and berries that are available for harvest and food over the summer, but my veggie garden is planted with foods that come due for harvest in the Autumn. Having to wait and be patient for that right timing when you can get the most out of what you planted in the seems so long ago, but it's just that there was much activity in between it all. Life! And living it! Harvest time and collecting of the resources to have ready for over the Winter season. Sometimes we forget that we get to be supported over the Winter by what we harvest in the Autumn of our lives. Recently, I was able to appreciate that I had planted seeds in my life so long ago and how I was able to use those resources recently and being grateful that I was prepared to handle the task that was set before me. We often don't realize the calm within the harvest as it is persistent work. Making sure that you get everything in before the weather starts to shift and quicken your pace and work a bit to keep you motivated to be prepared for a time of rest and recovery. LOL it reminds me of trying to get my children to sleep back in the day when they were younger. They were wound up with so much excitement from the play of the day that they could see that it was time to start settling have dinner....and to have our wind down time before settling into bed. that period of making sure that your needs will be met for the seasons ahead is an important one. Similar to taking trainings for a change in career or getting educated on something that will help to improve your situation into the future. Making the most of your resources and sharing it with others is what Autumn brings for me.

As I was walking with my son the other day, he was sharing with me about how he sees the seasons. I didn't share with him that I was writing about the same thing. He said that he saw Summer and Winter as the transitional seasons and that Spring and Autumn were the main seasons because it's where most of the work is done by nature and by us. I was blown away by his great insight. I have shared for years about Spring and Autumn being the transitional seasons based on the changes in weather and the amount of light. But if I was to look at life and nature in how he described, he is very accurate in his view. I was so grateful he shared it with me...and also sharing that Summer is too hot for him and he like Winter the most.

So no matter for what reason you have a favourite season, know that we all will go through all of them, in our lives many times over as we grow, change and live these journeys of life we have been gifted.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Bunny vibes


Nothing but "bunny" love today. Saw 10+ hanging out this morning and now these two lounging in the backyard...

If you're not feeling it, is it E.L.F.?


THIS! Or what this appears like to others...

This morning, I decided to "see" what was on my ongoing to-do lists....laundry, yard maintenance, lunches, breakfast (green smoothie, done), dinner plans, emails, taxes, taxes, business tasks, writing, journalling, scheduling,...and I know I forgot....doh, passport, commuting, groceries, meeting, printing....
Some are simple, some are enjoyable and E.L.F. for me, and then the rest....meh. Energy-outs, not in my lane of interest or ease of comprehension, and not easy-lucrative-fun....
In the latter category, I feel very much like the cat in the before I get to that point, I see where I can delegate....grateful for my "helpers" who attach a "currency" of their own to the tasks and make it doable. I'm also not adding to that list at present moment, so not to trigger the feeling of overwhelm and shutting down most all production LOL. On days where health "challenges" set in, then delegation is key. There ARE people that like to do what you don't 🙂