Good morning!
I LOVE this time of year. It's quiet, cozy, celebratory, connected, reflective, and inspired by the focus on what is Light.
You are! You are living, connected, radiant beings that are celebrated every day 

I know this because...somewhere "out" there someone is truly thinking about "me" with wonder. (And you too...

This morning, when my son wakes up and sets up for his morning routine, he'll be thinking of me...and wondering where his headphones are LOL 

AND...that's enough really! It puts a smile on my face and helps me to sink into the glory of his existence and my part in it.
It reminds me of empowering moments that sprung forth from experiences of oppression and disrespect.
It connects me into pondering about the connections HE has in his life (, friends, teachers, etc...) and the village that has created.
It brings my thoughts outside our door and reflecting on the cherished neighbours we have....and all their connections. Families coming closer for the holidays and the loving anticipation in that...

It brings light into my heart to think of all the JOY in having family and friends do that little "dip"...before moving forward in gratitude to embrace you. What a humble place to be in ourselves and in our humanity to truly hold value and gratitude so rich for one another it almost buckles your knees and brings the overflow of celebration to our hearts.
And ALL this WHILE allowing and embracing from within...that we too wake every morning...not just to greet the day, but to greet ourselves anew with thankfulness in our own divinely radiant presence 

Much love to you ALL are celebrated 

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