LOL Good afternoon

I had a thought...I gave it some pondering... here's what came through for me.
In 1990, I started driving. My dad put me in the driver's seat of his huge van and off we went. Around the neighbourhood. Hard stops. I didn't like accelerating. The discomfort of how I felt driving turned me off.
I took driver's training. I was the top student in the class. Got ripped off on learner's test (first time they had computer tests and my test didn't start on question 1). I challenged them to begin with, I challenged them when it didn't give me a passing grade (I didn't get any of the questions wrong...just the ones that were "entered" beforehand). I said "screw it" and didn't go back.
Well over 10 years later, married and with child, I had a friend who was in a similar boat, but she hated to take the bus more than driving. I shared my story with her and said "don't do what I did...Just take the test until you get it and then start driving." I even told her how to do the test, what to look for, etc. She shared what I told her with others. They came to me for more tips and encouragement. LOL....I still didn't have my learner's permit, yet here I was helping people study, learn the information, how to take the test.... and then it started to happen. They were passing! Getting their learners and then their road test done. Coming back and thanking me for the support and encouragement. Was I licensed and on the road I did have quite valid reasons not to. And to this day, I am grateful to myself for honouring my choice NOT to drive with narcoleptic episodes...
So I decided, now with 2 kiddos in tow, I was just going to do it. I was not experiencing the episodes (as much), I told myself that I would only drive when I was NOT tired or exposed and compromised, etc. It would only be short trips.
In essence, I negotiated with the angry and uncomfortable story I was carrying around. IF my story of what not to do can serve so many, then it was time to allow myself to tell a new story to get ME to where everyone was getting from my "warning" and support.
Went in and didn't get it. least it was cheaper than when I first failed. I would do it again...this time, no babysitting, two boys in tow during what would be their set up...the boys start fighting and hitting each other in the stroller. I'm not even half way through the test. They won't stop. One starts crying. 5 more questions in. Soothing one while talking sternly to the other. 3 more questions. Both are upset and still fussing. It says I finished the test. See the lady at the counter. I go, get my temporary license, take a picture while the boys are still fussing and get out of there.
To this day I am reminded by what my driver's instructor (a friend of a friend) after that moment said to me... "You NEED to trust in your intuition more when it comes to driving. You are a very good and knowledgeable driver." I went to officially get the defensive driver's training and that instructor said the same thing. And even after that moment and being involved in the rollover since then, I took small little "negotiations" with whatever story I had running and changed my story BACK to the direction I wanted to be heading. Confident, assertive, safe, and knowledgeable.
Don't let the stories you are telling (and have all the PROOF to be right
) take you OUT of the life you want to be living. It may just be a warning of what not to do that can help others get past their own stories, but why not let simple "shifts" in that story help YOU out as well

2020 was a story that had a year....I mean a year that had a story... Do you want to live out 2020 for years to come or do you want 2021 and BEYOND to be a better story?
In the end, the choice is always ours to make
I'm choosing a good and better story. How about you?

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