Good morning!
Watch how you grow….and your vision too…
There have been some great people in our history who have done great things. They studied and dreamed. They surrounded themselves with brilliant masterminds that helped to build on their vision and how they show up in it.
And at some point, "their" vision became "the" vision, with many others "seeing" it with them and what grew became a legacy.
This growth and development of the vision doesn't necessarily leave the "architect " behind. The Receiver of the gifted inspiration stands remembered in the minds of those who would carry on the legacy and the vision.
What I have pondered recently … as I have been "revisiting" my own direction in life and watching other legacies unfold is… we are ALL way or another. There is an underlying (or mindful) "vision" at play in your life.
You pictured it over and over again. Either in a beautiful unfolding of a wondrous and victorious story where things work out in your life to your joy and fulfillment… see dark corners and the things in life you don't like or have made you feel uncomfortable and you are running from it to a place that feels like freedom, never to see or experience the "discomfort" again.
One vision is created focused on thriving and wonder that is open to going beyond even the edges of what you can add….and the other is surviving in a life that gives you room to just breathe.
Sometimes survival is enough...but it usually isn't. That "discomfort" of your own need for growth and expansion will come again. There is something in us that craves to thrive.
Those who have done great things through holding and growing great visions knew that growth was an inevitable part of the process. And they allowed for adaptation to SERVE the "intention" of the vision. This allowed for the vision to become part of the legacy...the legacy serving to the vision… and so forward on both would continue…
My vision is bigger...sustainable and beneficial beyond just me (because, let's be honest, some "great" visions are not sustainable or beneficial for everyone

...connected to a great legacy...part of a big vision that I can only imagine in part...and therefore, it is as if my "present" and momentary discomforts, inconveniences, challenges, and personal resistances (attached to survival and outcomes I dreamt of that feel like freedom) are seriously dwarfed, and given the nod of "expected and foreseen" in relation to the vision that "I" am now a part of and no long this little glimmer or gem in my hand.
That is the beauty of the growth of vision...the shifting roles, the unfolding, the EVOLUTION of our very being.
What big vision do you have for yourself, your life, and those around you?
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