That's me... "tenting it" out under the covers. It's this nice, warm, and cozy space and I am enjoying so much, I have yet to get up. I don't "feel like" doing the rest of my morning routine...
...and I almost didn't post this. But I did...because I am showing up regardless of how I think I "feel good" in THIS moment, because I will feel BETTER having done what I intend to do.
I have a meeting and cleaning and leaving the house to DO ...all in the next 30 minutes...and I'll do them because they are MORE fruitful than this coziness I am enjoying now.
Have you ever wanted to stay under the covers? ....and then do it only to find it made your day more stressful?
I'm "fond" of this moment...AND I definitely want to be "living" more moments to be fond of. 

Alrighty, off to enjoy playing the long game 

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