Good morning!
Accepting all the things "I am", including the darkness...
I am (I get to be
) ... a lifestyle and wellness coach, a spiritual guide and advocate, sage, shaman to some, teacher to others, mysterious and mystical, a mother to many, a friend to some, a wife, a community connector and cultural advocate and representative... and with all those "labels", I still get the gift of my humanity and all that comes with it.

Yesterday I was in the company of people that have meant a lot to me over the years. And some of them I notice I still feel awkward around.
Not so much anything that would keep me from loving them and appreciating them as they are, but for me, I have "attached" the value of how they bring me to really "look" at myself. I got to see them in some pretty good "darkness" and "raw" moments and I am pretty sure they have seen me that way as well. Iron sharpens iron.
At the end of my day yesterday I stepped back from "myself" and took a good look at that "edge" of darkness...
...Where I am not as approachable....where someone might perceive me as mean or someone not to "mess" with (LOL didn't work this week, but that's fine
).... where I am cold and harsh....where I am defensive and ready for an attack....where I may be perceived as not open...where I can't be trusted....?

AND.... I accept it.
I accept it as I accept it in others. I know that we are ALL designed with "edge" and "softness". Some have wonderfully charismatic softness to them that is beautifully contrasted by very sharp and deep cutting "edginess". LOL I am surrounded by some beautifully charismatic individuals who often clank and clash their edginess with one another when in the same space.

The beauty in our potentiality as humans...and knowing that many of us strive to have more "lightness" and softness about us than we want the darkness to be around. The darkness can feel uncomfortable at times. We try and push it away, or put it out like the coals of a campfire, but have we really's a part of who we are? We don't have to give over to it, but we can see it and let it be what it is WHILE living our lives more and more from that lightness space.
51% or better wins the the scale... I see me and all my contributing parts and I enjoy the process of continually moving through the mastery of self in my lightness. One moment at a time, one day at a time... 1% at a increasing measure

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