Good morning!
Called to remember today...but what are some of the things you have forgotten to honour in your life?
Years ago, when I was experiencing severe brain fog, I recall feeling lost and not safe. My gift of lucidity a clear mind) and awareness to details was getting harder and harder to be present in.
Even worse, there was an inference in my spiritual connection (depth and presence) and THAT was MY tipping point. My relationship with God was at the core of my "being". It was how I woke in the morning and went to bed at night... connected. And I knew I had to release from that which entangles or hinders. I wanted that core CONNECTION to remain clear and's what filled me.
As I tackled my health, I could see more clearly...and better yet, remember with more clarity.
I loved it so much, I kept finding more and more was to be more and more clear and unhindered. And the more connected, loving, and enriched I increasing measure.
So for me, today my focus is on honouring those who stayed clear to remember what vision is before us and act with passion...and to be taught by such a great example and go forward beyond what easily entangles.
By me living a loving life, I am offering up a great thankfulness and appreciation. Let's live out our gratitude with love 

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