Good morning! My son shared with me a valuable visual this weekend after burning down something his brother created (in Minecraft...coal burns LOL) He hung his head low and cloaked his hood over his face...he felt challenged by his brother calling him out. In that moment I asked him to read to me about Godly sorrow versus Worldly sorrow....Godly sorrow results in a heart that repents and changes for the better...worldly sorrow essentially shrinks back and dies.
After pondering (thinking about himself in light of what he read), he pulled back the hood, picked up the controls, and proceeded to rebuild...bigger and better than what he had broken down.

Have YOU ever felt like you were shrinking back? Have you ever struggled with a situation and decided choosing something easier was the way out? I saw this example and felt CONVICTED to not look for the "easier" solution, but the "higher" solution. The solution that includes a great benefit for ALL involved. The fruit is joy, enCOURAGEment, enpowerment, and oddly enough a hint of surprising awe and a feeling of fulfillment. This was all achieved in a moment of Minecraft, but the same results tend to happen when we choose to RISE above the point of "problem" and contribute a gift of solution for more than just ourselves.
Now to see in what ways I can "rise" into this new day. 

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