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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Ruminate! Chew that "cud" of life

Good morning from Facebook...

Good morning! Ruminate. ..thank you cows, goats, and other animals with multiple stomachs for chewing that grass over and over and over again...until it's well worked to get that goodness RIGHT outta there! Some things are worth chewing long and hard on, over and over again...probably because it was so good the first time around we want to go through it again for the same flava. wink emoticon And then, there are things that pick at us...can't quite put our finger on it, so we work it...over and over again until it clicks...and THEN, there is cud we keep chewing. ..the tough kind...that we should just spit out, but we take the hard-knotted swallow and choke it down...only to bring it back up again. Yeah...that "stuff" is giving you gas and stinkin' up the place let it pass. wink emoticon Good news's still makes milk wink emoticon

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