Good morning!
What do you do...every day?
I would really like to know what things do you do each and every day.
Currently, I am being intentional about the "everyday" tasks that I do because I am working on bringing about a different level in what it is that I currently practice. In other words, I'm changing stuff.

And so far, I have seen the changes. Let's be clear, one of the daily practices is to LOOK FOR positive changes that have happened or presented themselves. I'm looking for those good things
I'm FILLING UP a "positive proof bucket" as it were.

Why? Because I can! There is so much out there that we can EASILY fill a "negative proof bucket", so WHY NOT pick up the "other" bucket and start filling it? And it feels good! It reminds me of berry picking in the summer. Especially raspberry picking. I could easily say "No thanks" and avoid getting poked and stabbed by the many thorns...or I could put on long sleeve and long pants and move my way through to the multitude of red berries that are calling to be picked.
Sometimes we feel stuck by the perception and focus on the thorns. How they will feel when the poke our skin. How many potentially pokey thorns that we see before us in a tangled web of canes and that it's near impossible to fill the bucket.
But as I sit here remembering a summer of berry picking and how it went, I know that we still have bags of those raspberries sitting in our freezer. That each and every day for at least a couple of weeks, we went with our buckets and came home with them full.
And anyone could have been there picking with us, but they weren't. It wasn't in our backyard, but a spot planted for public access. And yet, no one wants to navigate the canes with thorns to get to the multitude of berries. So....we will be back there again this year picking berries and filling our buckets with "good fruit".
What "good fruit" in your life right now can you see and add to YOUR "positive proof bucket"?
For me this morning, it was noticing looser skin around my body. Been down this road before AND even though I have slowed things down for this January reset, because I collected those "berries" each and every day of consistency, I am at about the same point I would be if I had done the blitz of some sort of elimination food thing or cranking out some major workouts to get to "quick" results.
Be consistent. Look for the "fruit". Let the good build up in your "bucket" and enjoy your journey and the process of living along the way

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