Good morning!
This morning I am applying myself differently. You can't see the difference (or maybe you can
), but I am giving it go.

This morning I had a thought around how I have limited my consideration of those thought of as experts or masters.
A quote posted today by a dear friend opened a BIG door of exploration, considering, pondering, and remembering for me.
"The definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple" - Albert Einstein.
It made me question, "How many people spend more time making or keeping things complex instead of bringing situations and circumstances into a "back to basics" solution? " ...and "why haven't I looked more into Albert Einstein?"
What are your core elements of well-being? What are your "back to basics" standards and concepts?
Some of mine are... choice is honoured, #oneanotherlove, unity in humanity, celebrate diversity, I honour life, #ThankyouGod, there is a bigger picture, and delight in joy...
I apply those every day. In everything I do, these resonate. I process solutions back to these elements.
In all that, as uncomplicated as it is to me, choosing to operate from simple solution calls me to consider the bigger picture of things. A broader and more inclusive viewpoint allows for greater opportunities to appreciate the beauty, presence, and process in and of things.
My "simple" for today is... enjoy a broader viewpoint in your circumstances today. It's not as complicated as it may seem.
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